Link a note to a URL

I would find Notes really useful if I could link a note to a URL/web page (or even part of a page).

There are plenty of note taking apps out there. I think the ability to annotate web pages/link notes to pages will be a differentiator.


Thank you for the suggestion! :+1:

This was the behaviour I expected from Notes at first. For a simple Notes taking app I would probably rather resort to some standalone app, as I canā€™t see any advantages of integrating it into Firefox without linking notes to URLs / websites.


Good think Iā€™ve searched a bit ā€¦ no point in duplicating requests :smiley:
As previous users, I was expecting something a bit more ā€˜smartā€™.
Like was allowing you to have sticky/floating notes linked against domain, a site section or a specific page.
That would make it very useful for shopping, i.e. you can add a sticky note with a discount coupon code to the cart page on a site (or just that site).
But also other cases when you need ā€˜proximityā€™ reminders for a certain site.

Not much time to contribute code but I can certainly test :smiley:
It would be fabulous if you can make it work on a list of sites (like KeeFoxā€™s autofill)


It would be a homerun for me and, I suspect, many, many others. Linking a Note to a URL was the first thing I looked for when I installed Notes. Donā€™t get me wrong, Notes is a great first step and I started using it immediately.

Iā€™m really looking forward to future Notes updates.


Yes, exactly the same thing here! I immediately expected Notes to be domain or even website synced.

Why would I want my to-do list in my internet browser? Confuses the mindā€™s process in gathering and producing information.

The Internet browser was invented as a tool to display information from the Net to the End-User. Thus from the userā€™s point of view, a browser is to gather information. Even though the browser evolved into not only a tool to be informed but also to MANAGE information (like booking a hotel, buying a product, or work together on a joint project,etc., eCommerce arised, etc. etc.) (and this is the process where the user has to give personal information, in order to manage user-related information, hence, Firefox and the whole quest for user-privacy).

So what adds NOTES to the browser AS IT CURRENTLY IS presented? Itā€™s like the game Snake on a cellphone! It has nothing to do with its main function, but that the game was at least great fun, which I canā€™t say for a notepad on the left of my screen in my browser window. Staring at me as a blank field, unrelated to the process I am going through while browsing the web. (or soon it would become a notepad full of scribbles unable to be managed properly).

However, if you link NOTES to itā€™s particular domain/URL where youā€™ve opened a note, then you have a ā€œHelperā€ in gathering/managing information from certain sites which then at later point are handy to review, as this helps the user to pick up where he or she left. Then, at the point where the user wants to actually produce information (if ever) it is then generally done on either a separate program (Word, Notepad, Excel, etc.) OR is done on a specific, note-related, website (like booking a hotel and you had a few interesting picks you want to go over, but donā€™t want the website know your favorites and click the little heart, so rather type 'm up on your browser-webpage related SUPER-NOTES. :wink:

Return to the core theme of internet browsing (which is to jump from website to website, so Notes has to be website related, or it will become a flaw. In line with Firefoxā€™s moral, Notes can contribute to the privacy of Firefox its users by separately storing information which otherwise we might enter into the website.

(Business Information Systems M.Sc, Computational System Engineering B.Eng, and one year of Electrical Engineering, which was too dull to finish).

I was thinking of a subset of the behaviours of Hypothesis (which seems to be Chrome-focused):

Because Chrome is the optimal browser for using Hypothesis, we recommend downloading Chrome on your personal computer if you havenā€™t already and adding our Chrome extension. You can do so at our website or through the Chrome store. Hereā€™s a tutorial slideshow on how to install the Chrome extension. And hereā€™s a video that walks you through the process.

At the moment Hypothesis annotations canā€™t be stored locally (which is a deal breaker for my employer). The ability to store annotations locally and sync them would be an attractive proposition.

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Same thing here. Got all excited when I saw a Notes experiment (thinking itā€™d be a substitute for the dearly missed FloatNotes, or the likes of Diigo, Annotary, etc)ā€¦ only to get all disappointed when I realized it was just about adding a plain text field to a browser sidebar (why would anyone care about that? Doesnā€™t every OS include some ā€œnotepadā€ already, much more capable than this?)

So Iā€™ll keep hoping for this to turn into something more interesting :).

For those wanting URL-linked notes: found a current option, and free!

Why would I want my to-do list in my internet browser?

I use a browser-based ticketing system for my work (JIRA), so having a to-do list in my browser is great. That said, Iā€™d like to have links.

As others have said, I donā€™t really see the point of it as it stands ā€“ might as well just use OneNote or some such, which is far more feature rich anyway.

It would be nice if someone from the Mozilla team would comment to say whether this is feasible and/or likely to happen. Iā€™m still holding back on updating to Quantum because I donā€™t want to lose FloatNotes until there is a suitable replacement that doesnā€™t rely on proprietary cloud-based storage. So I hope this idea will get taken up ā€“ and soon ā€“ because it really is a no-brainer.

Hi vladikoff

Has this suggestion been considered? Is there any chance it might be built into the tool? When might we expect an update? Please donā€™t keep us in suspense.


This is now on the roadmap of the multiple notes feature.

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Any idea when this will become available? I updated to Quantum and having no decent URL linked note-taking extension is by far the biggest annoyance for me.

Happy to hear it! I think my dream for this would be to have three types of note. Which one you see by default when opening the notes sidebar would be in the order listed below, falling through to the next if the note doesnā€™t exist.

  • Page-specific notes. These are visible by default when viewing a specific URL (or possibly matching a regexp).
  • Domain notes. These are visible when viewing any page on a given domain.
  • General notes. These are visible the rest of the time.

Now, you could choose to look at any of the higher levels regardless of whether or not a more specific note exists for where you are, but perhaps not the other way around.

So if I had a note for but also one for, and Iā€™m on the <tr> element article, I would see the article for that specific page by default upon opening Notes, but would have a popup or something that would allow me to switch to the note for overall, or to any of my general notes.

That would be my dream for a personal web-based note tool.

To take it a step farther, if you could have notes that you shared with other people (especially if they could be edited collaboratively), that would be a game-changer for me. I can totally see that being used to coordinate work on web content updates, share notes on wiki articles, etc.
