Lighting compatibility w/ 38.3.0?

It appears that Lightning isn’t compatible with the latest version of Thunderbird (I’m running 38.3.0), but I haven’t found any forum traffic on that, which surprises me. Am I looking in the wrong place?

I want to find out if it is indeed not compatible and if so, when it’s expected to be updated.


Adding @kewisch.

Hi Ross,

what messages are you getting regarding incompatibility? Where did you get the currently installed Lightning version? You should be able to install Lightning into Thunderbird 38.3.0.

I had tried reinstalling Lightning a couple times and never got any response from the install - no dialog boxes popped up, no install status bar, no spinning wheel, nothing. Nor did the calendar or tasks tabs show up when I relaunched Thunderbird after trying to reinstall the add-on. So that was when I posted the above.

Went home, came in the next morning, launched Thunderbird and was immediately hit with 6-8 weeks worth of reminders.

I forgot to mention that I’m using Portable Thunderbird. The only thing I did differently overnight from what I had tried before my post was to remove/reinsert my thumbdrive and restart the Portable Apps Platform. I didn’t reboot the PC overnight, nor was there an auto-reboot. And of course I had removed/reinserted my thumbdrive and restarted the Portable Apps Platform many times prior. So it had to be some combination of the couple attempts to reinstall Lightning combined with removing/reinserting the thumbdrive, and relaunching the Portable Apps Platform and Thunderbird.

I figure the problem probably originated the last time Thunderbird auto-updated. It’s normal for it to tell me it can’t restore the add-ons and I have to do that myself - which is so trivial I don’t even remember what the steps are. But in this case, I don’t remember getting that advisory.

So apparently when I tried to reinstall Lightning, it must have tweaked something deep in the bowels of software Never Never Land and gave Lightning the nudge it needed to start working again.

Hi Philipp,

I was writing when your response came in.

To answer your questions, I wasn’t getting any messages of any sort so I surmised that there was an incompatibility. I had installed that last version of Lightning, whatever version it was, long enough ago that I can’t say for sure where I got it, but I probably got it via the links in the Thunderbird Tools menu.

After all the exercises described above, I am now running Thunderbird 38.3.0 and Lightning and everything seems to be running smoothly.