Learning discourse down

I know that the learning discourse isn’t used very often but was wondering if anyone had info regarding why it’s down.

Or is this just a problem I’m having, is anybody else experiencing this issue?

~ steve

Moving to #participationsystems since it’s about infrastructure (I assume you are referring to Mozilla Learning Discourse instance)

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yup, I just decided to put here cause I didn’t know where to put it.

I think @yousef was working on this with the Mozilla Foundation team (who runs forum.learning.mozilla.org) yesterday. Not sure what the result is.

Yousef might be able to follow up on this thread the end of the week.


heh, it just loaded when I clicked your link @r_Up2mI1KfXvmSMPkEfhC6eg.

thank you for the help. :slight_smile:

Yeah we just got this working again!

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thanks @yousef, not to be a bother but I was wondering if their are plans to change up the UI, and also if their is anything that I could help with please let me know?

For example maybe with web Extension requests or anything else.

~ Steve