Leadership shared agreements and localization

A few days ago we posted two posts about the general direction of Mission Driven Mozillians and the Revised Leadership Principles - now titled “Shared Agreements”.

The number one biggest question we hear anytime we talk about the shared agreements is “But what will implementing these agreements actually look like? How are we going to do this?!”.

Understanding how these ideas start can positively shape and influence the way Mozilla communities function is primary goal of this work in 2018. By partnering with specific teams and communities to run pilots we will create processes and support systems that will ultimately make it possible for every Mission Driven Mozillian to make these ideals a reality.

To start (in this first quarter) Open Innovation will be working with the L10n-drivers Team piloting an experiment on how we can implement these agreements into the functioning of specific L10N communities by finding implementations that advance community health with respect for the uniqueness of each.

The goals of this pilot are:

  • To develop a process for supporting communities as they figure out how to implement each agreement in a way that suits local needs and cultural contexts (that can then be shared with other communities in L10N and beyond).
  • To measure and understand ways we can improve the health of pilot communities.
  • To understand how implementation of agreements can drive meaningful change in communities.

The staff supporting this pilot: Jeff (@gueroJeff), Delphine (@Delphine), Peiying (@pmo), Emma (@emma_irwin), Flod (@flod), Theo (@theo) and Ruben (@nukeador).

Don’t Wait! While we start working with pilot communities in Q1 we hope that all Mozillians start having conversations about the agreements including what changes might be required to make to roles and structures in make your community healthier and more inclusive. This is something that the #reps program has already started doing.

We will be reaching out to specific localization communities in the coming weeks to scope the work of this pilot. Looking forward to be working with all of you!


Jeff (@gueroJeff) and Ruben (@nukeador)

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