Kuma installation about docker questions

Hi folks,
I tried to use the document:
to establish docker setup environment for mac.

I pulled the docker images success, but I was not sure that I built the containers was success or not. Here is the picture:

Is that because there were no dockerfile in the directory, hence cause building the container showed skipping ? or I can skip this step and start the container by next step: docker-compose up -d ?

Another question is when I executed the following command, there were not any output in terminal. I don’t know whether loaded the database success or not.
docker exec -i kuma_web_1 bash -c “zcat | ./manage.py dbshell” < mdn_sample_db.sql.gz


The build was successfull, in reality there is no build because we use pre-built images that are already built for you.

The memcached, mysql, elasticsearch, redis are standard images probably coming from the canonical docker registry, while the api, kumascript, web and worker are image coming from the MDN Web Docs image registry.

Unless you work on specific features involving a change in dependencies or a change in Python or Node version, you should not have to build your own image.

TLDR; The command was successful

For your second question, there is an expected stdout output in the documentation, but I would not be surprised if it was no longer appearing.

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Hi anthony, Thanks for your answer!

But…I think here’s a new question…
When I execute command: docker exec -i kuma_web_1 make localecompile, It’s failed.

Here are my thoughts:
In the document, it didn’t say that need to install django.
I am not sure that I need to install django on my environment or not.
Have django already installed in docker images?


Yes, Django is provided in the kuma image.

I don’t know why you have this error though.

Ok, That’s fine, Thanks for your answer.