Hi. I just received my Flatfish tablet, and have a few questions;
1. How do I upgrade the firmware (on Linux), and where can I (safely) get the files from? The firmware it came with is flatfish_20140120-1529, which is quite old if the 01 stands for january like I assume it does. Not on Linux, but I did manage to upgrade my firmware.
2. It came with a US charger. I have an adapter, but it doesn’t covert the voltage between 110V<->220V. Is this fine, or should I keep that adapter as far away form the tablet as possible? I’ve never had a problem charging my MP3 player with it, but as I understand some devices might not like it all that much A passive adapter works just fine
3. Has anyone found out about a cover/sleeve that fits?
4. I read this sticky; https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/if-you-have-a-flatfish-tablet-or-will-be-receiving-one-it-is-important-that-you-read-this-post-to-help-prevent-bricking-your-tablet/456/45 – Developer menu was checked by default, but I see no developer menu on the left. So I’m not certain how I should proceed in enabling ADB. ADB was enabled by default.
Thanks in advance. I’m excited to be a part of this program