I changed an output statement in native_client/ctcdecode/native_client/ctcdecode/ctc_beam_search_decoder.cpp, after that I compiled and build the DeepSpeech following the native_client/README.rst. However, the changes are not taking effect and only old statement is printing. What is going wrong?
native_client/python changes do take effect. Issue only with native_client/ctcdecode
Sequence of steps tried:
tensorflow#bazel build --workspace_status_command=“bash native_client/bazel_workspace_status_cmd.sh” --config=monolithic -c opt --copt=-O3 --copt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" --copt=-fvisibility=hidden //native_client:libdeepspeech.so //native_client:generate_trie
cd …/DeepSpeech/native_client
make deepspeech
PREFIX=/usr/local sudo make install
cd python
make bindings
pip install dist/deepspeech*
cd …/ctcdecode
make bindings NUM_PROCESSES=8
pip install dist/*.whl
Other thing that I tried: removing bazel-bin/native_client/libdeepspeech.so, make clean in ctcdeocder and make clean in native_client follwed by full building and binding.
deepspeech version
TensorFlow: v1.14.0-14-g1aad02a78e
DeepSpeech: v0.6.0-alpha.5-51-gfcb9bf6 -
- I need to experiment with ctcdecoder (change top_paths in beam search) - So before that I am just testing the compile and build for ctc decoder changes.
Please help.