Is it possible to change an icon for omnibox?

Hi. I’m working on an extensions that would effectively replace Omnibar. My goal is to support autocomplete for any engines users define.

So. I would like to know if it is possible to change the default (puzzle pice) icon the omnibox is showing for my extension? Would be perfect if I could use more then one icon.

You see, when a user types in sa en Firefox I would show him articles form English Wikipedia.
When a user types in sa pl Firefox I would show him articles form Polish Wikipedia.
But I would also like to show him an icon that would ensure the user that the correct search engine is in effect.

Here is an example of how it works now:
I would like that green icon to be a Wikipedia logo.

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This is a pretty cool extension! I would love to use it :smiley:

Same here, I’d really love to customize that green extension icon that appears a bit “hacky”.

On Chrome the icon properly gets replaced but not in Firefox.

I’ve tried adding all different kind of icon sizes but that didn’t help.