iOS Safari Passwords key icon is not shown on SSO password field

Attached screenshots are for Auth0 and for Bugzilla, from the same mobile browser on iOS. Note how the Bugzilla password input field has a key icon above the letter P, but the Auth0 password input field does not. This issue began occurring with the UX redesign in early 2018. The key icon should be shown on both the Email and Password fields, and when operated should autofill both (as it does on BMO and the rest of the Internet).

@hidde can you please take a look at this?

Thanks @r_Up2mI1KfXvmSMPkEfhC6eg!

@atoll: I suspect this has something to do with us hiding the password field until we’ve figured out if you have a password.

I will have a look to see if there is something we can do about this though. Do you know which version of iOS you are using? And is it the default browser you’re in?

I’ve had this problem since January, on all releases of iOS latest since that time. It used to occur in Safari, Firefox, Chrome; however, at some point since I filed this issue, the Safari behavior improved while the Firefox and Chrome behavior did not.

Safari is now partly working: I’m offered the saved password for Auth0, but I have to select it twice; once for the email address, and then again for the password. This is much improved, but there’s work to be done to reduce that to selecting it once.

Chrome and Firefox continue to not show the keychain icon nor any passwords on either the email or password field on Auth0. I verified that they both do correctly show the keychain icon on other (non-Auth0) websites, so we still have work to do for those two browsers as well.

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Apologies for the delay in getting back. As you may have noticed, this issue was recently fixed. Happy iOS password filling!

No need to apologize. Hi from GitHub :slight_smile: