Invalid language model path error

So I’m trying to train the deepspeech using this.

python ../ \
  --train_files data/dataset.csv \
  --dev_files data/dataset.csv \
  --test_files data/dataset.csv \
  --alphabet data/alphabet.txt \

but got this error after finish training.

I FINISHED optimization in 0:10:15.965783
[scorer.cpp:77] FATAL: "(access(filename, 4)) == (0)" check failed. Invalid language model path

I’ve check the csv and alphabet.txt file and everythings fine.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

As the error states, your language model path is invalid. We can’t help more, but I see you are using ../ Maybe you don’t want to do that. Please check documentation and --help about --lm_binary_path and --trie_binary_path.