Introduce yourself!

I think it’d be cool to get to know all of the folks who are going to be in the program, so why not have an introduction thread! I’ll start off:

I’m Yousef, I’m from the UK and I’m a part of Mozilla’s Community IT team. We do various things such as hosting for Mozilla community sites and experimentation with new stuff such as Discourse. I joined the tablet contributor program to help make Firefox OS on tablets a unique experience which no other OS can deliver.

Now your turn! If you can’t think of anything to write, follow this template:

I’m _______ and I’m from _. By day I __ but I am known to occasionally _. I joined the tablet program because _


I’m Steve Lee and I’m from the UK and I’m invovled in open access tech. especially for folks with cognative disabilities or with low digital literacy. I work for myself and currently on a few EU projects. I joined the tablet program because i’m interested in a completely open platform from Mozilla that offers low cost possibilities and want to help make it awesome.

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I’m Didier and I’m from Belgium (The country known for his delicious chocolate and french fries !).
By day I’m programmer (search for a new job). I am an open source hacker but a newbie in the mozilla world but I already love it.
I joined the tablet program because I like Android but it’s not really open than Firefox OS.
I want really a world where you could use open and free source code in every platform (tablet , computer , wearable , smartphone , google etc.)
You could find me if the tcp irc , helping people.
I hope that this tablet will be soon in my hands for reporting bugs !

I’m Anton and I’m from Galicia, Spain. By day I am Business Developer, working with carriers to open their systems in the Web (very slow). I’ve been working for the last 10 years in communications, it’s my job and my passion… and now, with WebRTC, everything is changing, new players, new rules, a lot of possibilities… I am excited with that. So I joined the tablet program because it’s a good way to know Mozilla, IMHO WebRTC and FirefoxOS can be something extraordinary for human communications and I want to be part of it.

I’m Ricardo Brandão, from Brazil. Computer Engineer, worked for 12 years on Industrial Automation. More almost 10 years managing an IT department. Nowadays coming back to technical stuffs. I’m a mozillian for almost 1 year and I’m very proud of it. I identified my self with with Mozilla’s Mission.
I joined the tablet program because I believe I can contribute with my technical experience, and with localization efforts as well.

I’m vigneshwer and I’m from Kerala, India. By day I electronic and communication student at rajagiri school of engineering and technology , web developer and hardware hacker.I have been part of Mozilla kerala community for more than 1 year. For me happiness is contributing and participating in Mozilla Programs . I joined the tablet program because to contribute to the tablet development, make it more innovative in its features , report bugs, learn more about Firefox OS and improve my technical knowledge.

Hey all! My name is Szmozsánszky István from Hungary. I work as a frontend developer at a Budapest based creative agency, and have been working/hacking/spreading the love about Firefox OS for nearly one and a half years now (and about Mozilla a whole lot longer). I am a Mozilla rep in Hungary and a developer evangelist for the Hungarian FxOS engagement team. I am pretty excited about both the upcoming software (Firefox OS 2.0) and hardware (tablets and the Flame) changes, that together - IMHO - will be significant milestones and contribute vastly for the worldwide Firefox OS adoption.

As a developer/hacker I also look forward to upcoming technologies (some of them spearheaded by Mozilla) in the JavaScript world and the web platform - like ES6 or service workers & advanced device hardware APIs - most of them to appear/be usable first in the newest iterations of the Firefox OS platform.

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Hey all,

This is Biraj Karmakar,Mozilla reps from India. I am mainly contributing in localization field and I am bn-IN locale leader also . Also, I am contributing in webmaker,coding etc. I like this program and I joined this program because I am really interested to contribute in tablet dvelopment basically I would like to contribute in l10n. This is a great scope ffor me.

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Howdy! I’m Richard, an IT person from the US. I’ve been a fan of Firefox since its beginning and an advocate for Firefox ESR in the work place. I strongly believe that a non-profit foundation has an extremely vital role to play in keeping the web an open place for all of us. This led me to look for ways to volunteer at Mozilla, and I was lucky enough to find the Tablet Contributor Program in the last hours before the application deadline. At work I do all kinds of IT tasks from admin to developer to support to project management, but my current focus includes automated software testing and cybersecurity, both of which are areas that I hope to help out with in Firefox OS.

I’m Tim and I’m from The Netherlands. By day I am a web developer at a cashback program. My hobbies are working on my own software. Currently I am working on a library which would make it easy to create FxOS GUI. After it’s finished I will make it open source.

I joined the tablet program because I wanted to contribute to the evolution of FxOS. I love the approach of using the web as a mobile platform and I want to make that better.

I’m Veera Manikanta from hyderabad.Doing my Engineering 2nd year in Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology,Hyderabad. Developing applications for the Firefox Operating System.Have been Motivating students regarding Mozilla Community and Open source development from year by organising various events.Presently a Firefox Student Ambassador and also a part of Mozilla Community of Hyderabad.Very happy to be a part of Firefox OS Tcp.Contribution in the way of Localization,finding the bugs out,reaching the firefox os Out…!

Thanks Mozilla…!

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I’m [Abid Aboobaker,][1] Mozilla Rep from India. By Day I am working as Drupal Developer and Server Admin at
I joined the tablet program because I want to contribute to Ux and Localization of FFOS.


I’m Asa and I’m from California. By day I work for Mozilla on Firefox OS participation and community empowerment but I am known to occasionally talk about Firefox the browser, which I co-founded back in 2002. I created the tablet program because your participation is critical to Firefox OS’s success and Firefox OS’s success is critical to the Open Web.


I’m Andrew Truong also known as feer56 and I’m from Edmonton, Canada. By day I am at school but I am known to occasionally do volunteer work on SUMO, social media and test Firefox OS. I joined the tablet contribution program because I am very excited to continue testing Firefox OS.



I’m Sören Hentzschel, Mozilla Rep, born in Germany and living in Austria. By day I am working as independent web developer. I joined the tablet program because I want to help testing Firefox OS for tablets, find and report bugs. And maybe I’ll write an app, or two. :wink:

Hi all,

I’m Dejan from Croatia, Physics and Computer science student, working as freelancer and Mozillian :smile:

I joined tablet contribution program because I like challenges and because FirefoxOS rules. Mainly I’m interested in low-level stuff so I’ll try to help out Gonk part.

I’m Cory and I’m from Indiana. By day I’m a Software Engineer but I am occasionaly known to hack on open source projects. I joined the tablet program because I know that Firefox OS can make the web a better place for all.

Hello Everyone,

This is Meghraj Suthar, Firefox Student Ambassador from India. I am mainly
contributing in localization field and I am hi-IN locale leader in sumo and webmaker, also contributing testing or QA etc. I like this program and I joined this program because I am really interested to contribute in tablet development by testing of the products of Mozilla and l10n. This is a
great opportunity for me.


Hello Everyone!

I’m Edward Carr and I’m from the UK. By day I’m a Product Manager for a mobile marketing company. I am known to do as much photography and SCUBA diving as I can. I joined the tablet program because I’m really excited to try out Firefox OS on a tablet device and I think I can help make the OS better by logging bugs and making suggestions to ways that the interface might improve.

I really want to see Mozilla’s vision of an open app ecosystem take off! :smile:

I am lourcastillo and I’m from Chile (I was born in Paraguay but now i’m living in Chile). By day I’m posting a lot in the community’s blogs, writing about chilean’s apps in spanish, working with developer Chile team but I am known to occasionally coordinate events to grow the community. I joined the tablet program because I would like to help test and hack the Firefox OS device, is an excellent experience and I love to share all about it.