Installing unsigned/unverified add-ons from file in Nightly 43 *fails*

Hi there,

Mozilla has said that it will ban installation of unsigned add-ons in release versions of new browsers, but not in Nightly.

However, when I choose “Install Add-on From File…” in Nightly (43a1), I get “This add-on could not be installed because it has not been verified” error.

But of course this add-on is not verified (nor signed) – this is a new version of my add-on (which is verified and signed), but I work on it locally, and there has to be way for me to install new test version of my extension.

How do I force Nightly to accept test version of my extension?

Thanks, Andreas, but I have read that article before and I know that there is a way to upload and sign an extension to AMO without making it public.

My question was different: why, despite Mozilla’s claims, Nightly (43a1) does not allow installation of unsigned extensions?

Uploading and signing every little change is not a viable solution for me; I want exactly local installation of unsigned/unverified extensions.

You are saying that Mozilla took back its claim that Nightly builds allow installation of unsigned extensions, and now it is impossible?

I could not find such announcement, though.

That page explains how to enable unsigned add-ons in Nightly and Developer Edition.

It does not, this is why I had to ask here.

It says “Firefox will have a setting to disable signature enforcement” – but there is no mention of this setting. Future tense (“will”) might mean that it did not exist – at least yet – at the time of the writing of that article.

If the promised future has already came, then where is this option, how it is activated?

Thanks in advance.

Weird, I can see it just fine on that page.

And what do you see? Where?

See the Timeline section…

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Thanks; truly weird place for option that is promised (but not named) in future tense in the part that is actually related to the matter.

I’m pretty sure you need to set this option in about:config


I don’t know if you can edit that page.
But the setting probably should be mentioned in the FAQ’s

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Agree with Martin; current writing makes no sense.

Andreas, could you please update that article?