Insert a Javascript locally into mainifest.json file [ Webextensions ]


I have tried to insert a js file called “popup/do.js” into mainifest.json file in the “background” and “browser_action” but it didn’t working with the “default_popup”: “popup/index.html” .

How can I fix this problem , please ?

  • Note : the “popup/do.js” file is userd into the popup menu of the add-no in the toolbar of the browser.

When I contact the support they said that :

We don’t allow add-ons to use remote scripts because they can create serious security vulnerabilities. We also need to review all add-on code, and this makes it much more difficult. Please insert those scripts locally from your add-on code.
eg: do.js


Use <script> tag in popup/index.html

Here is an example: The popup

I was using the element into the of popup html page then upload to AMO , then they reply that :

We don’t allow add-ons to use remote scripts because they can create serious security vulnerabilities. We also need to review all add-on code, and this makes it much more difficult. Please insert those scripts locally from your add-on code.
eg: do.js

Should I require the js script using element into the last of the element ?

You have to put a copy of the script file in the folder that contains your manifest.json (or any folder therein).

If you want the script to run in your popup (browser_action or page_action), you need to add a <script> tag in its .html file pointing at the script file, e.g. <script src="/popup/do.js"></script>.

What you can not do is use scripts from remote servers, e.g. <script src=""></script>.

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Thanks a lot for this answer,

Everything is clear now , but you mean I can insert this into the <head> element or I should insert it into the <body> element of the popup’s .html file ?

That doesn’t really matter. The only non-cosmetic difference would be the load order, if you have multiple <script> tags, and how far the DOM is built when your script gets executed. If you don’t wait for DOMContentLoaded, your script will only be able to use elements defined above it.

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Thank you so much :heart_eyes: