Infrastructures and relationship with Mozilla

I’ll try to quickly sum up the current situation. In the last 3/4 years Mozilla devoted its efforts (and devs) to produce a mobile operative system, called B2G as an open-source project and officially branded as Firefox OS for commercial purposes. Now Mozilla is officially dropping the project, but a community has expressed interest in keeping B2G up and running. A dedicated team of Mozilla’s devs is working toghether with the community to transition.

One of the biggest questions arised during the first transition meeting was which kind of relationship Mozilla and B2G OS’s community should have. The community could either refuse any connection with Mozilla and develop a product exclusively of their own, or keep close to Mozilla and B2G’s roots. (How much exactly Mozilla is willing to be associated with the project is currently unknown.)

This is of particular importance for infrastructures: Mozilla could potentially provide servers to host sites, forums, builds, bug repositories, etc… What Mozilla is actually willing to do is unknown at the moment, as the community was asked to make the first step and submit a proposal in this regard. (Mozilla has made it clear it will not dedicate devs to work on the project, but said nothing about other forms of contribution.)

This thread is dedicated to gather community’s view on the matter.


My two cents: Mozilla is the only entity having all the means and know-how to keep B2G under development. The closer we keep to Mozilla, the more B2G will be able to benefit from those means and know-how. We may ask Mozilla to keep all current infrastructures up and running. For more technical details, I’m looking forward devs’ opinions.