Indie Games Arcade

This session is facilitated by Chris Lawrence, Erika Drushka, Christine Prefontaine, Andrzej Mazur

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About this session

In addition to playing some fun indie games, attendees will learn about alternatives to the current business models of web monetization (advertising, paywalls, proprietary platforms). They’ll also get a look at the technology developed by Coil, one of the players in this alternative ecosystem and a collaborator on Grant for the Web alongside Mozilla and Creative Commons.

Goals of this session

Come play indie games monetized in the browser using open protocols and standards! This lo-fi arcade setup will allow visitors to play independently developed games on the web, while simultaneously watching in-browser micro-payments stream to the game creators. The arcade demonstrates a new approach to web-based content publishing and creator patronage.

The arcade is hosted by Grant for the Web. Come chat with us to learn more about the grant. We’re eager to fund open, fair, and inclusive innovations in web monetization and would love to learn about your ideas.