Inactive admin & moderator review

The use of Discourse within Mozilla has grown incredibly well, but our management of the granting and revoking of admin and moderation permissions hasn’t kept up. With Discourse now being a core part of the IAM strategy going forward, and the quantity of important and confidential information on it set to rise as a result of that, it’s now important that we restrict permissions to what is necessary.

As a first step towards that, I’ve just applied the following formula to remove inactive admins and moderators:

All admins who haven’t taken meaningful actions as admins in the past 6 months have become moderators. All moderators who haven’t taken meaningful actions as moderators in the past 6 months have been granted TL4.

We’ll almost certainly review permissions more in future, but this serves as an important first step.

This is what the changes look like:


@buluma_michael, @leo, @tanner, @yousef


@CaptainCalliope, @jorgev, @Kensie, @comzeradd, @deimidis, @mstanke, @nukeador, @rtsayles


@bking, @Chelsea, @kmaglione, @logan, @lshapiro, @mrz, @pierros, @surit, @tad, @TheOne, (along with everyone who already has it)

Thank you to all of the above for your help getting Discourse to this point! :rocket:



Thanks. What does “TL4” really mean? I rarely moderate anymore but I’d like
to understand.

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Hi @leo, thanks for the update. If it’s possible, maybe it’s better to downgrade me even more, I don’t know if I will have time to help in the coming months, and I don’t want to have a «position» were I will not helping.

Thanks for all your work


Your powers are documented on Meta Discourse:

Sure, I’ve revoked your moderator permission and you’re now TL4.

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