Impossible to log in with Discourse on Android without LDAP

I tried repeatedly. A lousy experience. All attempts failed. Screenshots available on request. Excuse the brevity here.

Please, when was the most recent test of e-mail-based authentication for first time users of this forum with the application?

We were having some issues site-wide yesterday when you made this thread, could you try again just to make sure those issues weren’t affecting your login?

Thanks. Today I succeeded by ignoring the instruction to follow the authorisation link in the same browser where authorisation was requested.

I used a different app (not Discourse) to complete the authorisation routine, then brought Discourse to the front and repeated the completion.

I imagine that Discourse developers might make future improvements to the routine :slight_smile:

Yes, there’s no way to open the link in the Discourse Android app itself, so you have to open it in Chrome instead, and the session is shared between the two.

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For some of the early attempts I experimented:

  1. use Discourse app to generate the e-mail
  2. from the resulting e-mail, copy the authorisation URL
  3. bring Discourse to the front
  4. remove Mozilla Community Discourse Forum from the app
  5. click :heavy_plus_sign: to reveal the URL field
  6. paste.