[IMPORTANT] Council Elections - Results and next steps

Hi lovely Reps!

As you received earlier in your mail - the results are in! Check them here.

I am super happy to welcome Faye Tandog (@fayetandog) , Flore Allemandou (@flore), Daniele Scasciafratte (@Mte90) , Elio Qoshi (@helios) and Ankit Gadgil (@ankitgadgil).

I do want to congratulate all candidates and to encourage those who did not make it this time them to pursue their ideas, plans and enthusiasm they put in their Q&A Answers for Reps Program. For sure they will find support int he council and from peers!

As for next steps, the new council members will start the onboarding process. More details here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/SOPs/Council_onboarding

For any feedback, questions or clarifications about Elections don’t hesitate to write to the peers: reps-peers at mozilla.com

Have a great day!

From the council and peers,


Congrats to all, new council member, and all the candidates for an amazing election :wink:

Congratulations to the new Council members. Well done and keep it up. If there is anything I could do for you in my role as Reps Peer or simple fallible human, please do reach out any time.


Congratulations everyone!

I’m really excited to start working with you all in the Council, these next months are going to be super important for shaping Mozilla’s direction in the coming years and Council involvement is key to represent community!


Congratulations to all!!!

Best regards,
QA Mozilla Hispano Team Responsible


Congrats to @fayetandog, @flore, @Mte90, @ankitgadgil and @helios I am supper excited for the days to come!

Also thanks a lot for the rest of the nominees who stepped up and run for the Council @Zaafouri @kristiprogri94 @IKRAM @mariot_tsitoara @alex_mayorga @yomanpatil @priynag .

Reps is a program lead by volunteers to serve volunteers and your dedication and leadership skills is what makes us stronger.

Keep on rocking the free web!


Congrats! This is great news! :grinning:

Congratulations to the new members! And thank you!

Congrats and more important have fun and do great things with this new responsibility!

Congratulatiins to all, new council member from Panama

Elio, Flore, Faye, Daniele and Ankit … congratulations and welcome!!

Thank you all for stepping up to this substantial responsibility of leadership.

I am deeply grateful for the time and energy you are giving to this work, and hope that we can give you the appropriate supports to help you be effective. I look forward to working with all of you.

Your sincerely,

Congratulation - @fayetandog, @helios,
Bravo - @flore,
Congratulazione - @Mte90,
Badhaee - @ankitgadgil

Wish you all the best!

Congratulations to all @fayetandog @ankitgadgil @flore @helios @Mte90 new Council Members, wishing you luck for this new set of responsibility of leadership :slight_smile:

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Hi Reps,
As the closed the last round of elections and onboarding - I would love to hear your opinion about how this process feels to you.

We have created this form to see if u have concerns, things you think we can improve and also suggestions!

Thanks in advance for taking the time!