I'll see you in MozLondon!

We’re super, super excited to see you in London! Before we get there, let’s get to know each other a little better :slight_smile:

Please introduce yourself using this madlib !

Hi my name is _______ , I am part of the ______________ team and I am most excited about __________________________!
Here’s a photo that might help you get to know me better. (photo of you, a pet, your house, favorite coffee shop, local view - your choice!)

Bonus: respond in your own language :slight_smile:


I’ll go first!

Hi my name is Emma Irwin , I am part of the Participation team! I’m most excited about working with Verena and Mikko, and other participation team volunteers on learning & leading .
Here’s a photo that might help you get to know me better. (photo of you, a pet, your house, favorite coffee shop, local view - your choice!)

Here’s a photo of my dog, as she normally appears while I am working:

and one of my favourite local views:

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Hi my name is Rabimba , I am part of the Connected Devices (WebVR) team!
I am super excited to work with Michael, Dietrich, Havi and everyone else there (and also show a demo!). Oh…and super duper excited that i will again get to meet @flaki @end3r and everyone from TechSpeakers!

This is mostly where I am all day

(My lab is not that colourful though…)

And this is mostly what I do when i am not in my lab

আঞ্চলিক সংস্করণ: স্বাগতম সবাইকে। আমার নাম রাবিম্ব। আমি “সংযুক্ত যন্ত্র” দল এর হয়ে আসছি। আমি অত্যন্ত আনন্দিত এবং উত্তেজিত সবার সাথে মাইল মিশে কাজ করার জন্যে। আমার পারিপার্শিক এর এবং আমি যেখানে থাকি তার কয়েকটা ছবি দিলাম ওপরে।


Hi my name is Nathan Toone, I am part of the mobile (volunteer) team and I am most excited about meeting people that I have only worked with online, and figuring out how to help improve Firefox for mobile operating systems!
I don’t have a photo right now to upload - so there isn’t one :slightly_smiling:

Hi my name is Verena Roberts , I am a volunteer with the Participation team! I’m most excited about working with Emma and meeting the other participation team members in learning & leading .
Here’s a photo that might help you get to know me better. This is a daily sight for me as a soccer mom:

And this is one of my favourite songs:

Local view…

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Hi my name is Vaibhav Bajaj, I am part of the Mozilla Learning Network team and I am most excited about meeting all MLN team with whom i communicate from few years but only on vidyo/email etc.
Here’s a photo that might help you get to know me better…

and one of my favourite local view …


Hi my name is George, I am part of the Participation Team as a staff Mozillian and I am most excited about how we are going to be doing a bunch of design sprints together.

This is a bunch of me all in one: I’m playing hockey (competitive, sport), in a Team Canada jersey (proud!), in Nairobi (hockey in Nairobi?!, in Sub-Saharan Africa where a lot of my passion and professional life has been focused):

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Hi, my name is Maryam . I am part of the Take Back the Web campaign team and I am most excited about meeting other local coaches who I’ve been working with online for the past three weeks!

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Hi! My name is Shagufta, I am a part of the Connected Devices team and I am most excited about getting directly involved with the CD team and the awesome projects which will be demoed.

I performed a factory reset on my phone yesterday so I don’t have any photos, and I’m just gonna put a picture of this tree outside my window I clicked last night.

And this is pretty much what I do all the time I am free

That is, clicking photos of almost every nonliving thing/ living-but-not-human beings around me (Apologies if I creeped anyone out here!)

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Hi my name is Po-Chiang Chao, or BobChao on Internet. I am part of the Participation team and I am most excited about meeting people of the Community Spaces project! Let’s getting more people to join Mozilla and doing awesome stuffs!

Sometimes I took weird photos while work:

Do you play ingress? I do, let’s discover London after work!

I love nature, just like you.


Hi my name is Irvin , I am part of the Participation Team / MozTW (Mozilla Taiwan Community) and I am most excited about meet and learn the progress of Mozilla projects! Here’s a photo that might help you get to know me better.

This is avatar I used everywhere on the internet.

And here is my Mozillians / Rep profile:

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Hi my name is Michal, but you can know me as Mikk or MikkCZ (because 4 character username is not allowed everywhere). The CZ there stands for Czech Republic I am from. I am primarily l10n contibutor, but also involved with SUMO! Currently I am big ice hockey fan, because our Czech ice hockey team is ruling on the Championship so far. :wink:

If you want to learn Czech:
Ahoj, já jsem Michal, ale možná mne znáte jako Mikk nebo MikkCZ (protože uživatelské jméno dlouhé 4 znaky není všude dovoleno). To CZ znamená Českou republiku, odkud jsem. V první řadě jsem přispěvatel l10n, ale zapojuji se i se SUMO. V tuhle chvíli hodně fandím hokeji, protože náš Český zrovna tým válí na mistrovství světa. :wink:

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Hi my name is Nicolas (nchevobbe on IRC) and work for a French company. I am part of the Devtools engineering team and I am most excited about meeting the members of the team I’m working with online ! I’m running a little challenge this year of fixing one bug a week ( https://nicolaschevobbe.com/2016/01/02/One-bug-a-week.html ) so I don’t have much time to do anything else, but I usually enjoy sports (running, competitive badminton and soccer) and hanging out with my cat and my girlfriend !

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Hi, I’m Nootan Ghimire, and go by @nootanghimire over the internet. I am currently primarily involved in l10n and look forward to meet l10n drivers and fellow contributors. Besides that, I’m also interested in exploring coding parts of Mozilla and it’s product.

No photos right now to upload :confused:

But you can check me out on facebook/twitter/instagram/github : @nootanghimire or email me on nootan.ghimire@gmail.com. I respond to every personal email. :slight_smile:

And here’s the reply on my language.

नमस्कार, मेरो नाम नूतन घिमिरे हो। म ईन्टरनेटमा अाफुलाई @nootanghimire को नामले चिनाउँछु । म हाल लोकलाईजेसन मा कार्यरत छु र यो क्षेत्रमा लागेेका अरु साथीहरू भेट्न ईच्छुक छु । यो बाहेक, मलाई Mozilla र यससंग सम्बन्धित सबै प्रोडक्टको कोडिङ का बारेमा जान्ने इच्छा पनि छ्।

माफ गर्नुहोला, तर अहिले म संग अपलोड गर्नका लागि तस्बिरहरू छैनन्। :confused:

तर तपाईँले मलाई फेसबुक ट्विटर ईन्स्टाग्राम अादिमा भेट्न सक्नुहुन्छ : @nootanghimire अथवा मलाई nootan.ghimire@gmail.com मा ईमेल पनि गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ । म प्रायजसो सबैको ईमेल हेर्ने गर्छु ।

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Hi my name is Faye, I am part of the Firefox Student Ambassadors team and I am most excited about shaping the future of Mozilla in student campuses!

Here’s a photo of our amazeballs FSA family:

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Hi my name is Areej Amer , I am part of the connected devices team and I am most excited about the experience and knowledge that i will earn and meeting you all!
a photo that might help you get to know me better.

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Hi my name is YUKI Hiroshi aka Piro, I am a volunteer with the Add-on team, working at Japan. I am most excited about development of add-ons and Mozilla products in business!
Here’s a photo that might help you get to know me better.

I’m developing Mozilla Add-ons for 10 or more years - I got a job from Mozilla Add-on and now I’m working around enterprise use of Firefox and Thunderbird.

One year ago. Currently I’ve got fat a little…

I also draw cartoon pictures. In old days I contributed to Firefox marketing at Mozilla Japan, as a partner. I drew initial artworks of “Foxkeh”, a mascot character of Firefox marketing in Japan.

And now, I’m drawing a manga-style technical introduction for Linux/shell scripts: system-admin-girl.com.

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Hi Everyone ,

I am Anup from Delhi , India. I am so excited to participate in the All hands as part of Community IT Team . I am excited about discussing on the next steps of our team as we are moving to Google Apps .

This is my photograph for a Mozilla Event where I was talking about “What is Mozilla and why one should join a Mozilla Community .”

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Hi my name is Az Anitah , I am part of the Participation team! I’m
most excited about meeting other mozillians from outside Africa. I love video games and playing with my pup when not busy working. Here’s a
photo that might help you get to know me better.

Here’s a photo of my dog, as she normally appears while I am working:

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Hi my name is Ani, I am part of the Mozilla Leadership team and I am most excited about working together to create a network that helps users from any experience become web fluent, civically engaged, and passionate about a just internet!

Here’s a video that might help you get to know me (and my local community) better.

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