Idea for budget bug template reformatting

Hi everyone,

I wanted to submit for consideration an idea. Recently the Budget SOP has changed to be more intentional about identifying how budgeted events contribute to top-line Mozilla goals and the goals of functional areas. There are specific questions that it seems the Council wants address within a Budget request (they can be found here: ) and within a specific format.

I propose that the budget bug template be changed to include these questions within the first comment. By doing this, the Rep is obligated to consider these questions at the time of filing and the Council receives the necessary info at the very beginning of the process. It also keeps the subsequent discussion within the framework of those questions. This has the potential to clarify the expectations of what should be included in a budget bug, focus these discussions on what’s most relevant, organize the information in a more digestible format, and (possibly) improve turnaround from the Council.

My two cents.



Yes, we have already requested it to bugzilla dev.

Great! Is there a bug number I can follow?

Thank you very much

This is now live.

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