IAM/CoSS Sprint C & D Reviews

Dear Stakeholders,

Sorry for not posting a proper summary from our Sprint C Review. The last three weeks have been demanding outside the Mozilla Project. Trying to get back on track now.

So here we go with our regular update …


  • Welcoming @fiji to our team as permanent Staff member! :tada:
  • Deployed the New Login Experience to all 80+ Mozilla IAM sites.
  • CoSS’ Website Builder Utility componentization is taking shape: footer, header, full width components available.
  • CoSS Event Utility: Successfully decided and tested the data fields to sync from Splash to Salesforce for event and contact information.
  • Successful proof-of-concept adding Firefox Accounts as login method to Mozilla IAM. As soon as multi-factor authentication is available in Firefox Accounts (planned for Q2/2018), this Mozilla IAM login method will be deployed to production.

Community contributed Pull Requests

  • Thank you @mkohler and fossbalaji for all the effort you put into the Reps Portal. It’s exciting to see the site being able to serve evolving programmatic needs.
  • Thank you #mcws for the excellent write-up of your recent Toronto Meetup.

Release Notes

IAM/CoSS Sprint Review


OKR Confidence Levels

We still don’t have Q1 OKRs. @r_Up2mI1KfXvmSMPkEfhC6eg has started work on Q2 OKRs.