How should I modify client.py to support the tflite pretrained model ?
I tried without changing anything and I got:
Loading model from file models/deepspeech-0.6.0-models/output_graph.tflite
TensorFlow: v1.14.0-21-ge77504ac6b
DeepSpeech: v0.6.0-0-g6d43e21
Warning: reading entire model file into memory. Transform model file into an mmapped graph to reduce heap usage.
2019-12-05 09:29:49.068415: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:142] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2
Data loss: Can't parse models/deepspeech-0.6.0-models/output_graph.tflite as binary proto
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "deepspeech_client.py", line 149, in <module>
File "deepspeech_client.py", line 113, in main
ds = Model(args.model, args.beam_width)
File "C:\Work\Analytics\git\PacMoose\cocktails\.venv38\lib\site-packages\deepspeech\__init__.py", line 42, in __init__
raise RuntimeError("CreateModel failed with error code {}".format(status))
RuntimeError: CreateModel failed with error code 12293
I’m running DeepSpeech 0.6.0 / python 3.8 [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Thanks !