How to use my addon for myself and several friends? (Status: Disabled by Mozilla)

I have addon. It is used by me and some people whom I gave it to.

From FF43 it is impossible to use it as file. I need to pass verification.

So I uploaded my addon to and it seems that Mozilla didn’t like it:

Status: Disabled by Mozilla

No info is given and I actually don’t want to mess with this. Addon works fine and people use it. How this addon can be used now? Besides config hacks, most people can’t do this and this is insecure.

Is it possible to just upload addon without strict verification and give direct link for those who need it?

Just found that Mozilla send me email with rejection reason.

If it is just for yourself and your friends then it does need to be listed on AMO. You have these two options:

  • Use a Firefox version which can disable enforced signining when Firefox 44 is released (Nightly, Developer and Unbranded have versions a setting that turns off signature enforcement) Your friends will also need to use one of these versions

  • Upload your add-on to AMO as an unlisted add-on, it will be automatically signed and then you can share that signed version with your friends.

Be warned that if you want the add-on to auto update itself you have to host it somewhere and setup the respective update attributes so that it knows where it should check for a new version update:,_Update_and_Compatibility

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How can I share it? I can’t find url.
First I tried to use unlisted, but there is just no url, I looked for it everywhere. That is the most important part if you can share it. So I decided that unlisted is not for sharing, and made new listed one.

In AMO, signed in: Tools > Manage my submissions > Click its name
Under Status: Preliminarily Reviewed > View all
Click Version n.n.n
In ‘Manage version n.n.n’ it’s in ‘Files’
(At least it doesn’t say “Beware of the leopard”)

After it is signed it will change to the add-on version page with a link to your signed add-on under “Files”, the link ends with “.xpi”. You download that file and host it somewhere else (if you want to set up an auto update add-on) or send it directly to your friends.

I got it. I still have to wait Preliminary Review even for unlisted.

I change it to unlisted and its status is “Awaiting Preliminary Review”. That is why I can’t see download file.

Thanks guys, I managed to do this.

But I realy think that instructions should be clearer. Finding xpi wasn’t easy as well as knowing what “unlisted” is, and it is most important part.

Btw, my problem with rejection was that I changed jQuery file and it is not permitted. It would be nice to have link to such things before sending to Review.

That should not be possible since the validator is no longer flagging unlisted add-ons before signing them. If it is happening to you report it to the team.

I’ll check it next time i update addon. Not sure was it ok this time, didn’t see the link here (where DaveRo suggested) before reviewed status, may be I just missed it. Now it has “Preliminarily Reviewed” status and link is here.