How to test WebExtension update?


I’m trying to test updating of an addon. Can I update an addon that is loaded as temporary? If not, what is the best way to do this without involving signing on AMO? If install the new version using “Install Add-on From File”, I’m told the addon is corrupt (I’ve merely zipped it and it’s unsigned). If I need to sign it on AMO first, what’s the best way to do that without affecting my users?


I use an add-on in development through Install Add-on From File without having to sign it. It looks like setting preferences xpinstall.signatures.required to false helps here.

Thanks, Mig. Interestingly, I tried a suggestion from not-freaktechnik in IRC. On Fx 58.0a1, browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener() works when using “Load Temporary Add-on” for the old version then loading the new version same way. Output is:


So I don’t need to do Install Add-on From File after all.


Good to know.

In my case i develop simultaneously 3 add-ons that cooperate and i haven’t found any method other than loading one with the web-ext tool, and the 2 others using Install Add-on From File.