How does add-on versioning work?

Can I maintain separate major versions for an add-on in AMO? e.g. a 2016.0.x version and a 2016.1.x version? Is it merely just create a separate add-on per version?

Right now our add-on is named “CIFWeb Addon” should it be “CIFWeb Addon 2016.0” and then another one for “CIFWeb Addon 2016.1”?

To clarify further we have clients that use version 2016.0.x of our software so we don’t want those clients to get an add-on that was coded to be compliant with our 2016.1.x software (and vice versa).

I’m assuming every time you create another add-on your user id stays the same and a new api key is generated for that particular add-on.

just use a different addon ID in install.rdf

Ummm the install.rdf is generated by jpm sign I believe. We have a package.json file which has an id (in our case currently text string vesus a GUID, etc.).

It’s best to follow the code, then.

Basically you need to change it in package.json

If the add-on is unlisted, it’s no problem to have different branches. You can just upload the new versions in whatever order you need. For listed add-ons it can get complicated very quickly, since AMO only shows the last version uploaded (not the highest version number) in the add-on listing page.

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