How do you open HTMl document when Toolbox paused?

When I am debugging addon using Toolbox and it is in pause state I cannot open html document in Firefox. I use two profiles one called admin to view html pages. One called dev to develop addons. FF48 is my default browser. In Windows registry there is FirefoxHTML key/Shell/Open/Command set to
"P:\INTERNET\BROWSERS\FF 48\firefox.exe" -osint -url “%1” -P I:\ACCCOUNTS\Firefox\Profiles\admin
This should open the firefox in admin profile which is already open. But when I try to open html file I got message

Appication Firefox runs but does not response. To open new window you have to close the original window.

That sucks. I do not want to close the debugging window but I need to watch what is in the html…

Why this obstructing message is displayed and how to fix it to open with admin profile?

PS: I added the -P part of the command after this problems started but it did not solve anything.

The problem is, that the extension and the browser UI itself (currently) run in the same process. If you stop execution of javascript, execution of the browser’s javascript will also stop.

I think you can use the console in the toolbox to do stuff, but I’m not sure how you’d open a document from there.

This will be simpler at some point in the future, when extensions run in their own process (well, at least WebExtensions will, if they’re not the only possible solution anymore at that point).

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Thanks for answer.

I need either to open docs from Windows Exporer or from Thunderbird when I click on link in email. I can open doc if I click doc or link directly to the window of Firefox. But that is not so comfort like clicking or pressing Enter.