How can we make Min Vid better?

If you have suggestions to make Min Vid even better, let us know!

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Hi, couple suggestions:

Could the video window be resizable somehow? (drag a corner or toggle through some preset sizes, etc)
Could there be an option to reduce the opacity of the video window? (like 80%-95%, just enough to see what’s under it on other pages)



Resizing the min vid would be my number one request. I wouldn’t argue against opacity, but resizing is key.

I have to add: since it floats above all windows, I’d love to see it be able to go anywhere on screen (instead of being restricted to the Firefox rectangle).

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You’ll be happy to hear resizing is coming very soon, probably in the next update. Opacity is also something We’ve thought about a bit. We’ll keep that in mind


I’ve got one thing I’d like to see changed, when viewing a video on YouTube in full-screen mode the Min Vid icon still appears (and remains during playback), I find this fairly annoying and I would like it to be hidden during full-screen playback.

Is there any way to change the quality,speed of the video(provided by the video sharing sites) without actually going back to the site.I didn’t see any option in youtube.I think if we set a quality in a youtube video,then it is automatically set in the minvid.But speeds are not so.


HI!, Im using Min Vid right now to play tutorials and play games and stuff like that…at the same time,
i find it really useful and easy to use.
now everyone is saying that we should be able to change how big it is, i agree with that idea very well :smile:

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H! Im having min vid right now this is wonder creation of Mozilla team one more request as use is try give a resize option and make a contribution android mobiles too:slight_smile:
by premananth

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Hi all, thanks for the suggestions.

The next update should improve video quality and enable resizing.

I’ve filed a bug to remove the icon in full screen mode:

This was just fixed by a community member and merged this morning. It will be in the next update.

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Hello. I think automating Min Vid would be a great optional feature. What I mean by automated is, if the video is still playing and you change tabs it changes to Min Vid automatically. Also when you return to the tab Min Vid should close on itself and continue as normal in the tab.

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Can you make MinVid support media hotkeys on mac (or any other keyboards that have them)?

do you think you can optimize it so min vid can play playlist on YouTube its very annoying going to the playlist and clicking the next video then clicking the mini vid icon

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Hi there, Min vid is really useful and i love it… But could there be a link on the Min vid that takes you back to the YouTube site where video is taken in-case you closed the YouTube site on your browser and will like to go back to it ?? Also i am having difficulties dragging the min vid down as it is seen to be right on-top of my browser. I can’t drag it to be able to minimize or do other options on Min Vid as seen from the screenshot

@r_Up2mI1KfXvmSMPkEfhC6eg @m_kouadio @Zaafouri
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Would be really really awesome if the size of the player would be changeable :wink:

First I am thankful for your work. Mid Vid is what i searched for. I tried to play some games while watching some YT but the taskbar is showing all the time in front of the gamewindow. Would be nice to hide the taskbar.

Thank you :slight_smile:

How about possibility to run multiple videos at the same time? Like when you open each video on YouTube in new tab (5, 10 tabs, each with diferent video). R U guys maybe working on that?

I wish you could exit out of your browser and have Min Vid as a app like the internet. Thanks! This app really helps me

I’m not sure if it has been implemented on windows as I have yet to restructure my desktop but I think it would be amazing if it could snap to the sides and corners of windows like most do in windows and linux.

I really love your idea and really enjoying this . But i would like to get notify you few things

  1. while restoring the video / sending back the video to the tab / again making to full screen the video’s plays from the beginning .
  2. Their is no option for size
    3.Apart from the youtube video’s if you make this option for
    any type video’s plays in online and video’s stored in our devices it will be must better .
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