How can I change the email that notifications get sent to?

Hi all,
I want to change the email address that emails get sent to from Discourse. How can I do that?

I went to preferences then to mozillians where I added my other email to my profile The problem is that it seem that I need to make it primary. I cannot make it primary.

Current email I get notifications to is
The new email I want to get notifications to is

What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!

@leo, can you chime in on this?

1 Like is a firefox accounts account. The place to manage the email is at - however, I believe it does not currently support changing the primary email.

note: keep in mind that several RP (relying parties/websites) may use your email as your identity, thus changing primary email may break access to these RPs.

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Yeah the flow is pretty confusing here (aka it’s broken), you’ve actually got to make sure the email you want to change to in Discourse isn’t a secondary email, otherwise Discourse will complain about you changing your email to an email which already exists… apologies!

I’ll manually change your primary email server-side.

Edit: emails updated. Let me know if you have any further problems!

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thank you! the change worked!

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