Help increasing Mozilla Stumbler presence in India

Hi Mozillians! I am looking for help/ideas to increase the use of Mozilla Stumbler in India. There are a few thousand users in North America and Europe, and from what I can see from the Play Store downloads, there are ~250 in India.
Certainly the stumbling events help:

In fact, I think most of those downloads are due to the stumbling events :).

I don’t have any specific ideas just yet, other than maybe if we could get Mozilla marketing to contact tech media in India to report on the stumbling events, that might get some needed press exposure.

I was hoping someone here might have some ideas, thanks.

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Hi Garvan,
I also would like to increase the use of Mozilla Stumbler here in Italy and I’m thinking about launching a contest with prizes. The contest would run for an entire month. At the end of the month, some users (3-5) with the highest number of points would receive the prizes. So it’s basically a longer version of SIAB, however I will try to spread the contest as much as possible using social media.

Hi Luigi, I think that is a good idea. A “month of stumbling” has more promotional impact than a single event. Also, we could more effectively show the effect on the coverage map ( from before and after the month of events. Seeing the coverage map get filled in is rewarding.

Hey Garvan,

I am Ram, a Rep from Mozilla India. I also had similar concerns and was thinking to start such thread, anyways its nice that we are up for the discussion on this.

I have been contributing to MLS since more than a year (am in top 200 data contributors :slight_smile: ). I have also organized couple of events in India after the launch of the event format StumblingInABox.

In my recent event GeoBoot Hyderabad, we had some discussion with the community members, and we came up with some initial plan of Community building over MLS in India. Here is the link of etherpad which contains the basic plan - I am yet to come up with matured idea. I was thinking to share this with all after posting it on blog, but I think its good time to share this with all.

I would like to would like to start executing this in India as soon as it gets proper shape & final touch up. Kindly let me know what is your feedback on this. We already have many amazing local community members (Soumya Deb, Swarnava Sengupta etc) for supporting this and I will definitely need inputs and support from core MLS team also regarding this.

By implementing such things, we will not only get lot of data contribution, but will also get many volunteers which will be potentially helping this project in many other ways.

ReMo, India

Hi Ram, thumbs up on your stumbling!
Thanks for putting together that doc, I added a few notes to it. I agree with this huge community potential, I am definitely interested in the discussion in how to use it to create a more momentum for stumbling.

Hi Ram!

I’ve also added some comments to the etherpad. I was wondering how you define success of the geolocation pilot projects?

It would help us to know a little more of how those events are run. Maybe we could tailor the application on the client or server side to assist with those stumbling events.

Thanks garvan & vng for your inputs. Actually I started working on this quite few time ago, and did not update this thats why it had some outdated info. But I always keep my presentation up to date. Very soon, I will share the blogpost and presentation with you all.

Regarding the pilot events in India, I would like to share blog posts with you, from which you can see how did measured the impact - & Basically it was based on the statistics like Area covered before and after the Pilot, no of people participated, no of points they achieved etc.


@vng I helped run the first 2 pilots in India & if you wanna discuss the technical parts to which can help the communities run and track success in a better way, I’ll be glad to help.

FWIW, we had taken down registrations from prospective participants before the sprint. After the sprint, Hanno used to run his specially crafted SQL magic to get the delta for each of those usernames. So, yes… we need to do much better than this for scalability.

Hi Deb,
If we want to count the number of downloads in a particular event will it be possible.

say for example, apps like Line will sponser some events in our region, they will give us 5 unique URL’s and ask us to market them so they can know the number of downloads happened for particular event. Is there anything like that in Mozstumbler, so we can know how many actually installed and how many shared us data.

“How many downloaded the app in this week” is something the app-publisher can check from Google Play stats.

How many shared the data in a particular region within a given time is something we need to do better at (so far we were managing with pre-registered username stat tracking).

Is this topic Reps-specific?

If not, we should move it to Mozillians category.

I think cross posting is a good idea. I think it’s great we’Re having more discussion here in discourse :slight_smile:

I meant that if this is not Reps-only it would be great to share/move to mozillians category to get more people involved :ok_hand:

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Thanks I moved it to the Mozillians category.

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