Help Celebrate Data Privacy Day!

Hello Mozillians,

Today is International Data Privacy Day. We are celebrating by encouraging users to update all their software, a simple but meaningful step to protect their data, and we are launching the Lean Data Practices to enable other companies with frameworks for making decisions about data, to increase user trust in their products and privacy protections. Both these initiatives are efforts that empower Web users beyond those using our own products, and that’s because Mozilla is different. The safer and more reliable the Internet is, the easier it is to innovate and keep it open and
accessible to all.

Update your software!

Today we are asking users to do something easy, simple yet meaningful to protect their data - for their personal benefit but also for the health of the Web. Update your software! As you know, Firefox updates automatically by default, but we’re encouraging Web users everywhere to check for all software updates on their devices and install any that are available.

It’s easy for you to participate:

  • Visit and share this page, which has simple instructions on how to update across platforms.
  • Once you’ve updated your software, you can share this badge on social media using the hashtags #PrivacyAware and #DPD16. Then help your friends and family update their own devices.

Introducing the Lean Data Practices

We also want to make it easier for other companies and developers to be smart about collecting and using data. At Mozilla, we believe that users trust products more when they promote transparency and user control. The Lean Data Practices are a new initiative aimed at assisting companies and projects of all sizes to earn that trust by staying lean and thinking about the decisions they make daily about data.

  • Please check them out and let us know what you think
  • To learn more, make sure to join (or view later on AirMo) tonight’s Privacy Lab in San Francisco, which will focus on StartUps and how they
    can use lean data practices

Happy International Data Privacy Day, and don’t forget to update your software and share on Twitter using #PrivacyAware and #DPD16 !

