Help adapting this code to my addon

Hi, im triying to make a addon that change words on a website. The add-on works fine, but I want to add the option to the user to turn it on/off with a button.

For do that I use this function in a .js file:

> (function() {
>   walk(document.body);

>   function walk(node) {
>     // This wonderful function was made by T.J. Crowder
>     // Check it out here:
>     var child, next;

>     switch (node.nodeType) {
>       case 1:
>       case 9:
>       case 11:
>         child = node.firstChild;
>         while (child) {
>           next = child.nextSibling;
>           walk(child);
>           child = next;
>         }
>         break;
>       case 3:
>         maduroText(node);
>         break;
>     }
>   }

>   function maduroText(textNode) {
>     var val = textNode.nodeValue;

>     val = val.replace(/Nicolás/g, "Gordo");
>     val = val.replace(/nicolás/g, "gordo");
>     val = val.replace(/Nicolas/g, "Gordo");
>     val = val.replace(/nicolas/g, "gordo");
>     val = val.replace(/Maduro/g, "Comunista");
>     val = val.replace(/maduro/g, "comunista");
>     val = val.replace(/Moros/g, "Feo");
>     val = val.replace(/moros/g, "feo");

>     textNode.nodeValue = val;
>   }

> })();

Someone tried to help me and give me this code for make the button option using a background.js, but I’m not quiet sure how add the js function in this one:

//This toggles the Browser Action button between two states. 
//  You could expand this to as many states as you desire.
//  For testing the state is indicated by the badge and badge color.
//  You should seriously consider using a change in icon rather
//  than the badge text and color to indicate the state.  Badges
//  should really be for for alerting the user to status changes
//  that the user did not cause.  However, for testing and
//  development , I find it much easier to just use a badge.
var browserButtonStates = {
    on: {
        //icon: //A string, or full details Object for browserAction.setIcon()
        text   : 'On',
        color  : 'green',
        title  : 'Turn Off' //Indicating to user what _will_ happen with click.
    off: {
        //icon: //A string, or full details Object for browserAction.setIcon()
        text   : 'Off',
        color  : 'red',
        title  : 'Turn On' //Indicating to user what _will_ happen with click.
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
        //After checking for errors, the title is used to determine
        //  if this is going to turn On, or Off.
            console.log('browserAction:getTitle: Encountered an error: ' 
                + chrome.runtime.lastError);
        if(title === {
            //Turnging On
            //Only include tab as a parameter if on/of by tab.
        } else {
            //Turning Off
            //Only include tab as a parameter if on/of by tab.

function turnOn(tab){
    //Turn OFF whatever processing is done. If you are doign this on a per tab basis,
    // then the tab is available.

function turnOff(tab){
    //Turn ON whatever processing is done. If you are doign this on a per tab basis,
    // then the tab is available.

function setBrowserActionButton(tabId,details){
    if(typeof tabId === 'object' && tabId !== null){
        //If the tabId parameter is an object, then no tabId was passed.
        details = tabId;
        tabId       = null;
    let icon   = details.icon;
    let title  = details.title;
    let text   = details.text;
    let color  = details.color;

    //Supplying a tabId is optional. If not provided, changes are to all tabs.
    let tabIdObject = {};
    if(tabId !== null && typeof tabId !== 'undefined'){
        tabIdObject.tabId = tabId;
    if(typeof icon === 'string'){
        //Assume a string is the path to a file
        //  If not a string, then it needs to be a full Object as is to be passed to
        //  setIcon().
        icon = {path:icon};
    if(icon) {
    if(title) {
        let detailsObject = {title};
    if(text) {
        let detailsObject = {text};
    if(color) {
        let detailsObject = {color};


I already change my manifest for use the background.js to this:

    "description": "Demo Button toggle",
    "manifest_version": 2,
    "name": "Demo Button toggle",
    "version": "0.1",

    "background": {
        "scripts": [

    "browser_action": {
        "default_icon": {
            "32": "myIcon.png"
        "default_title": "Turn On",
        "browser_style": true

I hope someone can help me. Thanks.

Hi Rafael,

  1. I’m not sure why not to let the users disable (not uninstall) the add-on themselves (about:addons)?

  2. Why would you encourage your users to dump you so fast? From my experience, after disabling an add-on, almost all users simply forget about you…

Larry P.

Hi, thanks for reply.

The extension changes the way that the person reads the news. It takes some names of politicians and changes it for the local nicknames of the person. My intention is the user can able or disable this as will, but without making all the process on settings, because the objective of the plugin does the replacement when the user wants it, not every time. (sorry for my bad English)