is not loading in a pinned tab

I am not sure if this is the right place to report this, but here it goes.

After the recent Gmail update the inbox will not load when you start Firefox. It will just return a blank page.

It requires a refresh before the page loads.

Here is the URL:

I imagine that many users will have gmail pinned, so I think it is worth a fix. Other pages might not load too.

To reproduce: Pin your gmail inbox page and reload Firefox. Gmail will return a blank page after a while.


Depends on specific setup. In mine (Xeon E902/8c/64BG RAM) + Win2019 Preview classic refresh (F5) also doesnt work. Full refresh (Ctrl+F5) one time works, the other doesnt.

Trello, Datadog also doesnt work as pinned tabs.

Any news on this? I have the exact same problem with Gmail, but for example Trello loads correctly. It’s quite annoying because checking Gmail is like the first thing I do when launching Firefox. I’m on Ubuntu.

I can simply force the page to load by editing the URL (removing #inbox) and pressing Enter, I don’t need F5 or Ctrl+F5 like @developer11 said.

Hi… I am new here… I need support from you peoples… thanks…
regards- Karlsson viking

Ce qui me surprend le plus dans vos remarques, c’est la date.

Septembre 2019 et y a déjà quelques mois que Firefox me fait le coup.

Pour des raisons spécifiques, je travaille avec 3 navigateurs. Firefox, Chrome et UC Browser (une autre version de Chrome).

J’épingle un compte Gmail différent sur chacun des trois navigateurs de manière à ce que les trois boîtes de courriel s’ouvrent automatiquement dans le coin de mes navigateurs à chacun des démarrage.

Même épinglé, GMail s’ouvre normalement dans Chrome et UC Browser.

Mais pas dans Firefox 69.0 (64 bits). La page demeure blanche, Gmail ne charge tout simplement pas parce que la page est épinglée. Je désépingle l’onglet, je clic sur un marque-page d’un autre site web pour réveiller Firefox et je reviens immédiatement à Gmail que je peux ensuite épinglé jusqu’au prochain démarrage.

Pour moi le problème existe depuis plusieurs mois.

Le problème se produit sur chacun de mes ordinateurs. J’ai réinstallé Windows sur deux de mes systèmes le weekend dernier, par ricochet, une nouvelle installation de Firexox (dernière version) sur chacun d’eux.

Si je vous écrit, c’est que je viens tout juste de démarrer Firefox…

Je me demande si je suis seul au monde… :pensive:

What surprises me most in your comments, it’s the date.

September 2019, it has been a few months since Firefox is doing it to me.

For specific reasons, I’m working with 3 browsers. Firefox, Chrome and UC Browser (other Chrome version).

I pin a different Gmail account on each of the three browsers so that the three email boxes automatically open in the corner of my browsers at each startup.

Even when pinned, GMail normally opens in Chrome and UC Browser.

But not in Firefox 69.0 (64 bits). The page remains blank, Gmail simply won’t load because the page is pinned. I unpin the tab, I click on a bookmark from another website to wake up Firefox and I immediately return to Gmail that I can pinned again until next reboot.

As far as I’m concerned, the problem has existed for several months.

It occurs on each of my computers. I reinstalled Windows on two of my systems last weekend and naturally had to reinstalled Firexox as well (latest version) on each of them.

If I’m writing to you, it’s only because I’ve just started Firefox…

I’m wondering if I’m all alone in the world… :pensive:

Currently using Firefox Developer [70.0b4 (64-bit)] and experiencing (from time to time) a blank Gmail tab or there are times when the Gmail pinned tab is not automatically refreshing (as it should be).

I’ve been experiencing this for the past few months and am seeing it in the current 70.0 as well.