Generating script fragments such as content scripts from sanitized string data

Generating script fragments such as content scripts from unsanitized string data is error prone and poses a major risk of security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see

Will you please let me know how i can generate script fragments such as content scripts from sanitized string data.

Moved from Uncategorized to appropriate category.

The linked page explains how you sanitize remote strings.

There are lots of things present in the link.
Is possible to refer/add some code snippets.

Thanks in Advance…

That depends on your exact code. Different use cases have different solution approaches.

How to generate the dynamic script element and inject that to source page?
I want inject some variables into source page?

You’ll need to provide more details. What code does this script contain? Is it local, or remote? Where do you inject it?

It is remote…
I want to inject this into the currently open page/active tab.

I’ve had my add-on updates rejected because of this problem, trying to process unsanitized remote data.

Eventually I have been able to avoid that, but that was only possible because all of the remote data I use is pure text, not code, so I changed the source code to fetch the remote text and add it JUST as text nodes and text attributes (no onClick attributes) into the DOM after processing local static markup.

So far I don’t think that there will be any oher way of using any remote data in add-ons other than text alone, especially executable remote data:

Remote script injection.

Action: Reject

Add-ons can use data-only APIs, but should never download and execute
remote code, not even in the scope of a webpage. Any use of the <script> tag (like createElement(“script”)) needs to be carefully analyzed. Using remote PAC files is not allowed.


Remote code download or execution, custom update code.

Action: Reject

As explained in the validation section, no remote code execution is allowed.

So unless your add-on is another Greasemonkey add-on, you will very likely never get it approved in its current state.

Is it possible to share some sample code of injecting remote scripts into source page?
Please help me I am already running out of date…


AMO does not accept add-ons that do this, unless it is another Greasemonkey add-on.

You will have to find a different way, either include the remote scripts inside your add-on or don’t use them at all.