I just cloned the gateway from https://github.com/mozilla-iot/gateway and the rust implementation from https://github.com/mozilla-iot/webthing-rust and was able to build them and run them locally, but when I try to find the webthings by scanning with the gateway it doesn’t find it. If I query the localhost:8080 I can see the webthing publishing its decription but the gateway is not finding it, presumably mDNS is not working? (I think I read that’s how it does the scan?)
Anything you can think of to solve or troubleshoot the issue? I don’t see anything helpfull/relevant in the logs from either of them.
BTW, I started recently looking at this since I’m interested in integrating a framework I’m working on with the gateway, it’s also an IoT framework but for the SAFE Network, more info here: https://github.com/bochaco/safe_thing, or some forum discussions here: https://safenetforum.org/t/introducing-the-safething-framework-secure-access-for-everything/13469?u=bochaco