FYI most all Discourse email flagged as spam

Just noticed a bunch of Discourse emails had been flagged by Postini and not delivered to me. If you think you should be getting more email notifications than you are, check your spam folders!

Not sure if the emails can be constructed to be less spam-like or if Postini is being overly agressive (or both).

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Probably because it’s being sent from Amazon’s cloud (guessing). Maybe it should do an authenticated relay off a server in Mozilla’s datacenter or something.

It’s being relayed through Mandrill, we’ll check the SPF and DKIM records.

I had no problems with gmail spam filter.

Since this is on Amazon, it might be easier to use SES service.

Sounds good to to me

Postini blocked my signup confirmation mail from here, too. I just globally whitelisted DIscourse in Postini for Mozilla mail, so that should take care of it for people that have Mozilla email addresses.

I’ll look into it, it’ll probably be better in the long-run, tbh.

Thank you very much!

postini is still blocking emails for me. I read your reply as meaning everyone with a address would be fixed now…?

It should have been, yes. Maybe I need to do it in each domain instead of in the global config…

I have this issue, too.

OK, it’s been added to the whitelist for specifically now, and not just our entire postini account. Let me know if that helps any.