Function filter

I was trying to code the function filter on es6 but i didn’t make it if someone could share me his knowledge i’ll be gratefull!

Where are you having problems?

var myArray = ["one", "two", "three"];

myArray.filter( (key) => key.length <= 3 );

Not in that way i was trying to code a function filter to understand his mechanism,
function filter(array,function){
let array2;
for (let v of array){
if (funcion(v)){array2.puts(v) ;}

return array2;


But using this i can’t use a function who use more than 1 arguments

Array.prototype.filter = function(callback){
	var list = [];
	for(var i=0; i<this.length; i++){
		if(callback(this[i],i,this)) list.push(this[i]);
	return list;

You can also use forEach method for the same result :

Array.prototype.filter = function(callback){
	var list = [];
		if(callback(val,index,self)) list.push(val);
	return list;

okay thanks mate !!!