In my planned use case, I want to be able to operate a WebThings Gateway in a remote location without WiFi. Configuring the gateway in my office using one of my development routers works fine on an RPi 3 B+. My target system consists of several Z-Wave devices and appropriate rules connected via a UZB stick. When I power down the WiFi router used to configure the gateway and re-boot to simulate remote operation, the Pi 3 configuration comes up albeit slowly because of all the network retries during the WiFi setup. The system works as intended but I am unable to access the gateway dashboard to check the status of the devices (e.g. battery level of the motion sensors). If I bring the router back up, the gateway reconnects and the dashboard can be reached as it was during setup.
Am I doing something wrong in my setup or this the expected behavior? From I can discern from the code, it doesn’t appear that the gateway dashboard is meant to be reached via the gateway-configured AP but I may be missing something. It does seem to me that operating the system as a fully self-contained router and gateway controller is a good idea. The Turris Omnia OpenWrt approach probably solves this problem but it’s far too expensive for my use case and apparently not yet available in the U.S… A Raspberry Pi Gateway/OpenWrt configuration seems an ideal path to a fully standalone gateway.
Thanks. Any help would be appreciated.