FSA Transitioning to Campus Clubs

After many months of hard work and careful planning the Firefox Ambassador Program will be officially transitioning to Mozilla Campus Clubs, starting Monday September 19th!

In this category we’ll share all of the information you need to transition to the new program, answer your questions, and support you throughout the transition.


Your Quick Guide to the FSA transition to Campus Clubs:

We are extremely excited to announce that after many months of hard work and careful planning the Firefox Ambassador Program will be officially transitioning to Mozilla Campus Clubs, starting TODAY, Monday September 19th!

The new Mozilla Campus Clubs program blends the passion and student focus of the FSA program with the structure and mission focus of Mozilla Clubs to create a truly unified model for participation on campuses around the world!

We believe that this new program will unleash the unique potential of students to achieve great things for the free and open web - But we can’t do it without you!

That’s why we’ve put together this guide to show you how can transition your work to this exciting new student program, no matter what your current role!

Firefox Club Captains
You lucky foxes! You already have a club, a structure, and a community already set up on your campus. All you need to do now is register your club HERE and you’ll be partnered with a Regional Coordinator and have access to new resources and opportunities to take your club to new heights.

Firefox Student Ambassadors

You already have the passion and training, now it’s time to super-charge your impact with new support, resources, and tools. Depending on your interests there are three ways you can get involved:

  • Start a new Campus Club - Show your leadership skills and open web passion by starting your very own club! Apply HERE to let us know you’re interested in setting-up a Campus Club on your university or college campus. All you need to start is a passion for Mozilla and the dedication to get your club off the ground, you can start it by yourself (you maverick!) or with a Co-Captain. Once your application is processed we’ll connect you with a Regional Coordinator who will help you and guide you through the process of setting up an awesome club.

  • Join a Campus Club - Love running activities but don’t want the fuss of starting one up? New clubs will start popping up every day and as they do we’ll put them on the website so you can find out if there’s a Club on your campus that you can join as a member or even as an Executive (getting in on the ground floor is a great trick!). Whether your passion is web literacy, technology or advocacy, there will be plenty of ways for you to get involved!

  • Become a Regional Coordinator - Have you graduated from College/University but still want to be involved? Help support Club Captains in reaching their potential by registering here. Remember Regional Coordinator do not run any clubs or activities. Instead, they are recruiting, on-boarding, and supporting Club Captains to achieve positive outcomes, a sense of community and purpose, and to further Mozilla’s mission in the world.

Regional Ambassador Leads
We’ve invited all RAL’s to become Regional Coordinators and use your mentorship skills for good in this brand new program! Of course if you prefer to run a Club, we heartily encourage you to apply as a Club Captain instead.

No matter where you fit we recommend taking some time to poke around our website to get even more information about the goals, activities, and pieces of Campus Clubs. For any information you can’t find we’ve put together this handy Campus FAQ where we hope you’ll add all of your questions.

What about all the FSA resources?
Over the next few weeks you’ll start to notice banners like this one and similar notices on FSA websites and channels as we transition everything to Campus Clubs. Don’t worry we’re working with the EBoard to archive everything and make sure all of the great work and learnings from the past program are integrated into the new program.

We’re so excited about the future of Mozilla on Campus and hope that you’ll join us for this new era of student awesomeness!

Keep Rocking the Open Web,



Does this mean that the title “Firefox Student Ambassador” no longer exist?

Yes Bob, FSA no longer exist now.

Yes, Ram I know that. What shall we call members of the Campus Clubs now?

@bobreyes everyone who participates in a club in anyway is a Mozillian! Otherwise people will be referred to as their titles i.e. Club Captains, Execs, or as Mozilla Campus Club Members. :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Been receiving a lot of inquiries from current FSAs here in the Philippines on what their status now will be – if they can retain the “title” of being an FSA now that the program is gone.

Based on the FAQ that they had read, there are positions for Club Captains, Execs. I guess it is hard for them to face the fact that the FSA title is gone :slight_smile:

Hey Bob! I totally get that and I’m sure it’ll take a bit for the message to fully circulate. It’s awesome that you’re helping everyone get clarity and alignment, we know transitions are hard and really appreciate it! :slight_smile:

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How would be this program beneficial to people under the Club captains

Will the recognition system will also change.

Hi there, thanks for reaching out!

Imagine the highest quality university student programs you’ve ever heard of. Programs that incite invention, inspire innovation, and foster global change.

Now imagine a Mozilla program that engaged students all over the world, building campus groups that each have hundreds of passionate volunteers contributing to Mozilla as advocates, technologists/innovators and teachers. Now imagine that these groups were on thousands of University campuses in hundreds of countries.

That is the vision for Campus Clubs. To spark a movement – a loud voice, a breeding ground for new ideas, a massive force, a deep talent pool – that powers Mozilla’s mission to new heights.

Through this, Club Captains and students will have the opportunity to grow their skills by running activities, learning and teaching others around the three focus areas of the program (teaching, building and protecting the open web).

We are also considering a new, better and more fair recognition system highlighting the actual work the students are doing.

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I just registered a club. what am I supposed to do next? I don’t know my mozillian profile. What is actually a mozillian profile? :slight_smile: