Foxfooding update: Devices

Dear Foxfooders,

We’d like to share this follow-up communication with you on Foxfooding. In this message we want to focus mainly on what to do with your current Foxfooding devices, for those of you that have one.

Our push into the Connected Devices space will absolutely necessitate strong community support for our initiatives to be successful–and that means hacking on and testing new product innovations coming through the pipeline.

That means some kind of testing, feedback and preview program will continue to engage community members with new product concepts early and often. We’re not sure that the Sony Z3C Foxfooding devices in the existing program will be useful in this next phase; we need until the end of March to figure out the detailed design of this program based on how the product innovation process proceeds. So please stay tuned for another communication that will dive into specifics.

What to do with existing devices
You have two choices—continue to participate in whatever the Foxfooding Program becomes or withdraw from it:
A) If you want to continue participating…
Please keep your Z3C/Flame devices. They could possibly be useful for certain test scenarios (to be identified). Except as otherwise specified below, your participation will continue to be governed by the terms and conditions you agreed to when you signed up to participate in the Foxfooding Program.
Previously Mozilla collected data in order to improve the Foxfooding Program and Firefox OS. That has changed in view of the evolution of the Foxfooding Program. Accordingly, we are planning to push out the latest 2.6 software for the Z3C’s within a few days. The primary purpose of this update is to stop the data collection by Mozilla on your phone (it switches off the data collection flag so your data will no longer be collected). We ask that once this update is available, you accept OTA update. In the event OTA update is not possible, we ask that you please install the update manually. If you don’t accept or install the update, the data collection will continue.

B) If you don’t want to continue participating in Foxfooding…
You have two things to do please:
i) Notify us by Email. Please send us your name and email address via email to to be removed from the Foxfooding program. We’ll remove you from the Foxfooding Contributor email list so that you will no longer receive communications regarding the Foxfooding Program from us. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll assume you want to continue with the Foxfooding Program.

ii) Return/Keep Your Device. You may either return the device to us or keep it.

  1. Return. If you choose to return your device to us, please bring or mail it to one of our Mozilla offices (e.g. London, Paris, Berlin). Or if you’re attending the London All-Hands in June 2016, please bring it with you. We’ll share further instructions at the All-Hands on returning the devices to us. In all cases of a return, please fill out the return form here and enclose it with your phone.

  2. Keep. You may choose to keep your device and continue to use it with Firefox OS, or flash it with another operating system if you wish. Please be aware that we will no longer be supporting the phone. It will become your property and you will be solely responsible for it. If you keep the phone and want to continue using it as a Firefox OS phone, we highly recommend upgrading your phones with the latest 2.6 software update before continuing to use it (or before you give it away). If you don’t accept the 2.6 update, the data collection will continue.

How we envision Foxfooding to evolve

We originally envisioned the foxfooding program as a way for Mozillians to use, test and provide specific feedback that would improve a product that users were already relying on as their primary device. We’re well aware that this context is really different with Connected Devices – it will be some time before users have a Mozilla product, other than a SmartTV, in their hands or homes.

While the specifics are still to be figured out, we anticipate that the program will evolve to ask for help from Mozillians in shaping early stage products. This might include testing or getting feedback on individual features and pre-alpha products, or potentially doing user research.

If you have ideas on what this program could look like or how you would want to contribute, please get in touch. We’re aiming to have a plan in place for this by the end of March/early April.

Next steps
Below are a few next steps we’re going to follow through on in the next few days and weeks:

  • OTA push for Z3C upgrades: week of the 29th of February.
  • Connected Devices “Office Hours”: Ongoing, weekly
  • Next communication on Foxfooding program - more details on specific scenarios and opportunities: March/April
  • London All-Hands – Some volunteer foxfooders may be invited – process coming soon – and there will be an opportunity to get together to discuss Foxfooding, or hand us back devices: 13th - 18th June

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or suggestions.

We’re excited about the future for Connected Devices, and both staff and non-staff community participation is being built into the fabric of how this team will have impact on Mozilla’s mission. Take a look on the wiki here for opportunities to get involved, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with your ideas and questions.

Keep on rocking the free web!


Dear Valentin,
First off, just wanted to give you a big thanks for taking times to provide us those information.

And secondly, I have some folks who are foxfooders like me but they don’t speak well English so I’m writing on behalf of all of us.

So, after reading this post, we have one question in mind which makes us confused as to “how about if someone need to follow the foxfooding program again but need to flash their devices ?”

Are they subject to discontinue the foxfooding program right away (per the signed contract) once the Firefox OS is no more used on the phone ?

Many thanks

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Dear Valentin,

I’d like to continue with the foxfooding program with my z3c, I installed
the new OTA yesterday.

Considering there will be no more system updates, that new builds will be
built by communities, and that foxfooding with old builds is no use, I’d
like to know why are we still bound to the agreement we signed that
includes no flashing?

Many thanks!
Best regards,
QA Mozilla Hispano Team Responsible

Thanks for this communication. Great job! Their still some questions already asked. But I’m not worried, they’ll find an answer soon :slight_smile: In my point of view/what I understand

You may choose to keep your device and continue to use it with Firefox
OS, or flash it with another operating system if you wish.

I think it means that we can flash with the future B2G build community version. Mozilla just stop to support our “foxfood” devices. Continue to be a Foxfooder is continue to follow the Foxfood program : we’ll continue to receive email, to be involve in test/development, but for IOT and next devices (not smartphones).

If it’s so, French community (and others can translate the official communication in our regional language to spread these informations.

and if i still want to be a Foxfooder but do not want to flash my smartphone with the B2G ?

You keep the last 2.6 version which stop the data collection by Mozilla (update aviablable by OTA now) . There’s no need to flash with B2G community version. Only if you want :slight_smile:

yes, I already updated to the latest.
But if need to keep with the latest update and then no more updates after that I’ll expose my phone and myself to insecurity which is not a desirable situation.

Thanks for the info, think i will keep my Z3C and flash Android on to it instead, also keep my Flame, got a bunch of Geeksphone Keon that i got to lend from another Swedish Mozillian Souyma that i don’t think i need to keep however, what are the best to do for them, hope i got invited to the MozLondon all hands and give them back, or send them back, one of five is broken aswell, so its maybe better to just throw that away ?

Can someone please point me to the latest image which can be used to
manually flash the device. I want to be able to flash future releases of
the B2G community edition build, but just for backup I want to have the
last stable foxfood build at hand for recovery purposes.


Yes, it’s exactly why I asked some questions before!!!

I’d like Valentin to answer them though!

Many thanks!
Best regards,
QA Mozilla Hispano Team Responsible

Thanks for your patience, it’s been a long way.

If you want to stay in the foxfooding program (and receive more news once there is more clarity on the next products to foxfood with), you just have to not opt out. If you need to flash your device with any OS you may do it. Please keep in mind that there is a community initiative around Firefox OS (cf. and ) and that you can help there also.

I’ll get more clarity on this on get back to you soon.


I’ll get more clarity on this on get back to you soon.

​Many ​thanks for your personal answer, I greatly appreciate it!

I’ll be very much looking forward to your update on this!!!

Best regards,
QA Mozilla Hispano Team Responsible

We cannot distribute the gonk layer to the public. The update servers should update the devices.

If it does not update your build, please provide the fingerprint of the build you are on by running the command :
adb shell getprop|grep fingerprint
You should see something similar to the following (it might not match):

[]: [Sony/aries/aries:4.4.2/KOT49H/eng.worker.20151130.124658:userdebug/test-keys]

If you are on a build that was sanctioned by Mozilla, then I do have an
update you can side load gecko/gaia with that you can manually flash:

Sideloading instructions

  1. Connect the device to the computer via USB.
  2. Type the following :

adb reboot recovery

  1. Press volume down once on the device to get to the option “apply
    update from ADB”. If you went too far you can press volume up to move up
    the menu selection.
  2. Press the power button to select the option.
  3. On the computer, in the directory that you have stored the, type:

adb sideload

  1. Wait until the sideload finishes; on the device it should issue the
    message “Install from ADB complete”.
  2. navigate to the “reboot system now” option on the phone by pressing
    the volume up button on the device, then hit the power button to select
    that option.

In order for the update to work you must be on a build that has a
fingerprint with the dates of : 2015.11.30, 2015.10.19, or 2015.06.19

It is not a full flash, so it will not work if you are on android. This
manual update will only work if you are on a Firefox OS with the build of
the above.



Naoki: My Flame (nightly update channel) and my Aries foxfooding device
(dogfood update channel) are both with the last 2/12 build, the one you
told us about a few days ago.

The othet Flame, the one you kindly fixed in Mozlando, has a 20160115
build, I haven’t updated it yet. This one has the Build Number

I suppose the build you mention in this email is for Flame? Is it newer
than the 2/12 one?
If so, where do I find the fingerprints dates you mention? Are they the
Build Number eng.cltbld. and the date that follows? In this case, mine is

Many thanks
​ for your answer!!!​
Best regards,
QA Mozilla Hispano Team Responsible

Sorry Gabby. I should have mentioned for that build with the sideload it’s
for the aries dogfood device only.
Not for flame.

The other flame I flashed should update. If it doesn’t then use the
updating your flame mdn page to download the v5 version and update that way.


Naoki: many thanks for your answer!

The build with the sideload for the aries dogfood device only is newer than
the 2/12 one?
Just to know, is the Build Number eng.worker20151130.124658 what you call
fingerprint in your earlier email?

I suppose these 2/12 builds are the last ones considering Firefox OS won’t
be developed any more?

Many thanks
​ again​
Best regards,
QA Mozilla Hispano Team Responsible

Hi Gaby!
So, you’re free to flash your phone if you wish. As the data collection stopped with the latest OTA, being a part of the foxfooding program means that we keep your contact information and will send you news about future opportunities to be active again in the foxfooding program.

You can use you Keons to hack on them, if you feel like doing it. Take a look at this :
We’ll publish more howtos soon hopefully.

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