Fluent web .js?

Hi @ all
I’m a translator with little knowledge in programming. A couple of months ago I was testing some things with the fluent-web.js library (from this source https://github.com/projectfluent/fluent-web/tree/master/src). However, none of my projects work anymore - I only get blank pages now. I suspect the library is outdated and doesn’t work with the current Firefox version.

Installing Fluent.js from the github repository didn’t work for me. To be fair I didn’t know what I was doing.

Could anyone help out with a current version of the fluent.js file (like the one linked above)?

Hi! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

I just released @fluent/dom 0.6.0 and @fluent/web 0.2.0! Both compatible with @fluent/bundle 0.14.0!

Please, test and let me know if that works!

Hi! Thank you for your help!

Unfortunately, my projects still don’t work. I now think that the problem was caused by one of the latest Firefox updates.

For reference: I linked the js library in the header and put data-l10n-id + args in a div element. The FTL files are in their locale folders. This worked fine a few months ago.

Do you have any idea what I could do?

Can you verify that the example works for you - https://github.com/projectfluent/fluent-web#quick-start ?

The only change that happened within the last 6 months that could affect you is that Firefox doesn’t allow to load files from file:/// anymore, so you need a local server. Can that be it?