Flame Builds

I’m hosting flame-kk blobfree builds here:


I think I will create them once a week if possible. If you created a build yourself please link them here so others can use them too.

Oh, thanks a lot.
BTW, I already can see your PR in B2g-installer-builds. This is very important.


the builds are now also available for download inside the b2g installer.

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Ya, I already see, what is the frecuency for create the build?, I suggest, the saturday, because we can testing the commits of the week before.

Also I read in the meeting this

  • people with skills on infra maintenance are neededMozilla Corporation to provide Taskcluster access, we need to get
  • volunteers trained on how to use it, as staff won’t be available to take care of it after the transition period

Maybe we can add this task for this infra. What you think?

yes it would be good if we could get them running on taskcluster. I will look into it and see how we can achieve that.


I just uploaded a new flame transition build. either download it from the drive folder or simply through the b2g-installer.

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¡Hola @lissyx!

I tried to install this today and failed like https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8871416

Am I doing something wrong?


There is no failure in this log. Last lines are the ones from pulling blobs from the device. How/when did it failed? Which step? It’s hard to debug without informations.

Which system did you run this on? Which version of firefox nightly? Did you tried with the provided virtual machine?

How much free space do you have on /tmp/ ? At least 2GB should be required (yes, there is no checking, you are welcome to send a pacth).

Also, next time, please avoid posting the same on multiple communications channels, it’s useless and time consuming and error prone: half of the informations here, half on a bug …

Jovan, can you make sure your new build is working well and this might not be the reason of the failures that @alex_mayorga has? Thanks!

My testing shows the build shared by @TitanNano works well, I have been able to flash it successfully :slight_smile:

I tried to flash your build on a flame but then gaia does not start.
I also tried flashing the TaskCluster builds but still no gaia .
Btw, the b2g installer looks working great when running nightly as root !

Does the phone boot with it ? Does gaia starts ?

yes both should work, but make sure you delete the user data.

Make sure you do not tick “keep your data” in the installer :slight_smile:

Mozilla Discourse a écrit :

suokoGabriele Vidali

May 15

Does the phone boot with it ? Does gaia starts ?

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Is this the right place to get Flame builds? https://tools.taskcluster.net/index/artifacts/#gecko.v2.pine.latest.b2g/gecko.v2.pine.latest.b2g and if so what’s the right flame-kk-* to get?

Here is where you can find the latest flame builds

Or you simply download via the b2g-installer, which is the recommended way!


¡Hola @TitanNano!

Unfortunately I’m having issues with b2g-installer, see https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/installation-to-flame-gets-stuck-in-fastboot/10269 please.


Alex, in case you have not noticed, I replied to your bug on Bugzilla: basically, I could flash my Flame without any issue after upgrading Nightly and B2G Installer in the VM. There was something going on maybe with debug mode of ADB Helper (that was enabled by default in the VM). Once disabled, flashed worked with the B2G OS build made by @TitanNano.

I took the chance to publish the updated VM, including disabling of autoupdate of Nightly :slight_smile:

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