Firefox Notes: Reconnect to Sync Error

Hi there,

I wonder if anyone can help.

I’ve been using Firefox Notes for Android for a few weeks now and wanting to make use of it in browser as well. However, I am struggling to sign in to sync. Every time I try, I get a, ‘Reconnect to Sync,’ error message.

I thought it was because I’d incorrectly inputted my password, so I changed it. I thought it might have been because I didn’t have 2FA enabled on my Firefox account, so I enabled that. But, despite making these changes, I’m still getting the error.

What might be going on? Might there be an add-on that is interfering? I’m hoping to get this working as I can see Notes having a positive impact on my productivity at work.

Thanks in advance for your help.

With kind regards,


I also have this issue. The original post is 9 months old, but NO response. Does Mozilla support or devs even monitor these threads? Just ignore them? :frowning: