Firefox not recognizing minVersion

Yesterday I submitted my addon (FEBE v8.9.3) to AMO. It passed validation and was subsequently reviewed and listed. Many users have pointed out that Fx claims FEBE is not compatible with Fx v49.0.1 or v49.0.2.

My install.rdf has the minVersion set to ‘49.*’


I changed the min version to ‘49.0a2’ under the AMO Manage Status & Versions, but users are still getting the incompatible message and the extension is disabled.

I used the wildcard in the install.rdf minVersion because the extension would not validate when I tried ‘49.0.2’

The AMO listing has the following information under ‘Version information’:

Version 8.9.3
Released November  7, 2016  1.4 MB
Works with Firefox 49.0a1 and later        

but will not install under Fx 49.0.2

I’ve notified the reviewer ( by replying to the approval email, but have not heard back yet. What can I do to resolve this? FEBE has over 100k active users and they all are getting the invalid update.


Is there anyone at AMO that can help me resolve this? I’m getting lots of concerned users emailing and posting to my support forum.

Sorry Chuck, Not an answer I am afraid, only a comment and a suggestion for a temporary workaround.

I suggested on SUMO* that someone should try FEBE only to be told it is not compatible with the Fx 49.0.2 current Release. I did discover I could run it ok by using another addon with it. There may be more than one suitable addon, and the addon may just be flipping prefs if so about:config could be accessed.
I note changes as

extensions.checkCompatibility.49.0          false
extensions.checkCompatibility.nightly      false 

I also noted a couple of potential minor bugs in FEBE from my quick trial.

Thank you for pointing that out, but I don’t want to recommend to my users that they need to change any preferences just to get the update installed.

This is clearly a problem on Mozilla’s end. It cannot be installed from AMO directly because of the incompatibility message - which is incorrect because FEBE v8.9.3 is compatible. It even says this under Version Information:

Released November  7, 2016
 Works with Firefox 49.0 and later       

The problem is that Fx is automatically updating FEBE from v8.9.2 to v8.9.3 even though it thinks it is incompatible.

Unfortunately, AMO has not been responsive to my help requests.

ETA: I checked my preferences but could not find


There are several similar preferences, but the latest one is


Did you have to manually enter that preference?

No I noticed the preference as one that was none default. I will check the prefs tomorrow, its getting late now and about:config is playing up in this particular profile - it fails to filter as expected.
I realise it is a Mozilla issue, but if it is not resolved quickly your users will be failing to make backups which they may consider important.

The other workaround is to stop the automated updating of FEBE that only takes a few mouse clicks. That is the first solution I tried before realising I could also explain that an addon could be used. End users are more likely to like mouse click or addon workarounds rather than fiddling with about:config.

Thanks again for the advice. I’ve updated my support forum thread to reflect this.

Sorry I am now unable to get FEBE 8.9.3 to work (i.e. be enabled) reliably. That means your revised advise may need further revision.

Note if I merely add or modify prefs I get a contradictory situation about FEBE compatability

The additional addon method is also failing in a similar manner now.
I do think it did work running 8.9.3 in Fx49.0.2 because I tested it by creating a backup and that included a backup of FEBE itself and it is clearly 8.9.3

Well at least the 8.9.2 version continues to work and can be easily prevented from updating. Out of curiosity & because I have already posted about it on SUMO I will try to follow up with what is happening with FEBE but I will be away from the computer for most of today.

I hope someone from AMO gets back to you. I suppose you could try filing a bug or the Mozilla mailing lists but I am not sure that would get any better or faster response.

Hopefully this problem is resolved. I’ve uploaded FEBE v8.9.3.1 to AMO.

Thanks to eviljeff on irc.mozilla #amo for the help.