Fetching data from the server - Can Store ZIP file missing

The link to download the Can Store ZIP file is not working.


Also, this is unrelated but, it would be interesting to present an option besides setting up a Live Server from scratch, to just download an IDE/Text Editor like Brackets that has a Live Server by default with no set-up required. I personally like VS Code, which needs a bit of tinkering, but it also has a Live Server as an extension.

oops, sorry about that. I did a fix to the code yesterday, but ended up breaking the download file by accident. Fixed now.

As for recommending IDEs that have built in live servers, yes, this is quite a good idea. We could add it as an option to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/set_up_a_local_testing_server

Yep. That page was what made me think of that. Though it could also be put at the beginning of the Web Development course. I mean, it has all the necessary tools to follow the course and someone’s aspiring to be a developer will eventually need to get in touch with an IDE, so it could be a good idea to introduce them.