Feedback Cannot return to page after screen shot

Completed an Ipop payment and was shown a receipt page. Did a screenshot of complete page. Did a download and saved the file.
There appears to be no way to leave the page with My screenshot icon on left top and download button on right top.

Note the screenshot (copied from my download folder) shows a button to return to the Interislander web site. Because I cannot escape the screenshot page cannot use that button.

I filed this at for the developers to review. thanks

@dnrn75 Thanks for reporting the issue.

When you saved the screenshot, did you click the “Save” button? It should be a blue button with the label text “Save”. From your description, it sounds like you clicked on “Save”, then a new tab opened with the shot, and that’s “the page with My screenshot icon on left top and download button on right top”. In that case, you can close the tab to go back to the receipt page.