Faviconize Tab

For now, the extension that most block me from using FF57 is the lack of FaviconizeTab webext alternative (at least, I didn’t find anyone).

Visually it’s like the “pine tab” function but:

  • without sticking the tab at the list begining
  • “saving all tabs” include them
  • any tab is automatically faviconized when the URL matches some expressions (e.g.: https://framagit.org/*

I didn’t find in the API anything that could help me to do that. Is there a solution?

No, there is no solution right now.
You need to wait till there are APIs to hide the default tab browser and to add new toolbars, then you would need to re-implement the entire tab browser, just to make this small change.


Thanks for your response!

OK, it’s what I feared… Webext system is clearely not mature enough to replace the old one for now.

I’ll look for alternatives for the next months/years… Maybe firefox clones like Pale Moon or Waterfox… I definitely don’t understand Mozilla’s strategy of killing Firefox’s key features against Chrome…