Failing to Submit Unlisted add-on with error followed by "Duplicate UUID" error

In light of the signing requirements introduced in FF 40, we’re trying to submit a new unlisted addon. The first time I was able to upload our add-on and it passed validation checks, but after hitting the submit button I ended up on an error page indicating that some sort of error occurred. So I tried again and now it not passing validation with a “duplicate UUID” error.

The unlisted add-on is NOT showing up in AMO under Tools > Manage My Submissions. So it would appear that our submission is in some sort of intermediary state where its UUID is in the system somewhere but it is not exposed. It is also possible that someone at my company created another AMO account in the past and uploaded our submission and I am not aware of it. In the case of the latter would it be possible to correlate our UUID with a username, at which point I could recover the password, log in and delete the listing?


Please send an email to with the add-on ID in question.