Extension does not load via about:debugging

Hi there,

I have a published extension and when I try to further develop this extension, I removed the published one from my browser, then I selected any file in the extension folder via the about:debugging page and the icon and name shows fine. However the extension is not actually loaded, the debugger shows no files loaded, nor does the icon in the toolbar appear.

The workaround for me was to change the applications.gecko.id in the manifest.json, only then the extension gets loaded. So my question is, if this is a bug or if I am just not following the correct process to further work on a published extension.

Many thanks,

Thats weird, it works for me. I click on the manifest.json and it loads fine. Maybe if that doesnt work try zipping it up as an xpi, then selecting the XPI.

This really shouldn’t happen though, what version of Firefox are you on?

Sorry for not mentioning, I am on Developer Edition 53.0a2 (2017-02-12)

I get the same behavior regardless of using the xpi, both about:debugging as well as install from file via the regular addons page. Is there any way I can get more extension loading debug logs?

I have experienced the same thing. Disabling the release version, restarting Firefox, then loading the debug version works.

An other problem I ran into when I tried stuff like this is that if you debug an extension in one Firefox instance and then try to debug the extension in a second instance, the debugger will attach to the extension running in the first instance, obviously without telling you so. That can be very confusing.

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Man you’re a gold mine of knowledge! Haha awesome!

My experience agree with Nilkas’s experience - if I have loaded an addon with about:debugging multiple times, eventually things start to get real funky, especially when using native messaging. I have to “unisntall” it then restart the browser, then load again.