Expiry date default settings

Hi there,

Really like the Firefox screenshot functionality.

Is there anyway to change the default expiry date?

I have been using Gyazo for a while but like the way that one can edit images in the Firefox screenshots

However having to set all my images to never expire is quite time consuming.

I would like to be able to set all image expiry dates by default to never expire.

This would be awesome.

The power of default settings is strong and I can understand in terms of keeping server space free why one would have the initial default at 14 days expiry, however just the ability to change the default would be great.

Kind regards,


Thanks for the feedback. You might want to watch https://github.com/mozilla-services/screenshots/issues/4688 – there are some changes coming up that will affect this.

I think the latest is to remove the dropdown so all shots expire at the same time, but clicking the ‘heart’ icon will keep it forever. If that’s the case I assume people only ever changed the dropdown to ‘never expire’ and none of the intermediate values.


I appreciate the update, it is really great that there is follow up at this level =)

So I use the perma-linked screenshots for study and work, more specifically with Anki flashcards as well as when communicating with developers.

Having the default as permalink like gyazo greatly increases the speed of my work flow, especially when making hundreds of cards a day or communicating various ideas.

So for instance, Mozzilla screenshots that copy a perma-link straight to clipboard would be amazing. I do think that the increase in productivity would be worth the increase in resource use, that a default like this would infer.
