Hi - I am trying out Gateway 0.8 and have one Eve Door Sensor attached. For a short while the gateway registers the opening and closing of the device then I get the following errors:
2019-04-26 11:41:40.886 INFO : homekit: Update triggered for: 41:3f:52:ff:8e:32
2019-04-26 11:41:41.025 INFO : homekit: Error reading characteristics for device 41:3f:52:ff:8e:32: Disconnected
2019-04-26 11:41:48.679 INFO : homekit: Update triggered for: 41:3f:52:ff:8e:32
2019-04-26 11:41:48.804 INFO : homekit: Error reading characteristics for device 41:3f:52:ff:8e:32: Disconnected
The device is an 20EAL9901 which I believe is supported.
The gateway appears to be getting the trigger but then something else fails - any ideas please??